By Grace Quaye In recent decades, women's roles in the workforce and society have evolved significantly. However, despite these advancements, many women still face unique challenges when it comes to achieving financial independence. From the gender pay gap to societal expectations and cultural norms, women often encounter barriers that can impede...
According to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) (‘the ADR Act’), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a collective description of methods for resolving disputes other than the normal traditional court system. ADR has proven to be an effective means of resolving tax disputes. In other jurisdictions such...
Affirmative Action. Women’s Empowerment. These are two cornerstones of nation building in 21st Century Ghana. Indeed, globally. And yet, we are a nation that continues to debate the merit or danger of the former and offers rhetoric about the latter. We are at a crossroads. We need to move forward. The...
Failure has been described on many global stages as a great teacher. Failure is only a great teacher when you as its student learn what you should from experiencing it. Failure in some instances may not be needed at all but in many cases, it is a necessity. "It...
There are so many challenging issues that seem to engulf an individual, a society and a nation at large. Most times we seem to throw our hands in despair and think nothing can be done to change it because it looks so perennial and constant in our faces. Not too long...
…Guiding clients through the property market Real estate transactions can be complex, requiring extensive knowledge of the market, buyers and sellers often rely on the expertise and guidance of real estate agents and brokers to navigate the intricacies of property transactions. Real estate agents and brokers are professionals who specialize...
When the Auditor General's (AG) statutory report on the spend by Ministries, Municipalities and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in 2016 is officially presented to Ghana's Parliament in February, 2018, it will come with the usual litany of unapproved payments, contracts backdated to cover work shoddily done, late and overpriced, good...
By Paul BEGUR In the world of business, particularly, in sectors such as construction, energy, infrastructure, mining and manufacturing, a key position we often hear about is that of a “project manager” and or “project developer.” Most often, observe that, irrespective of the sector or the nature of the project...
Governments around the world have indeed taken on more and more functions over time. As a result, they now guarantee the operation of many services once provided by the private sector. They also collect massive amounts of taxes and often demonstrate inefficiencies in their operations. However, it is essential to...
International Women’s Day is March 8th. It is a day named by the United Nations. All over the world, organizations, governments, corporations and universities celebrate women with a variety of programs.  Each year has a theme. This year’s theme is ‘Press for Progress’. The 2017 World Economic Forum Report declared...