If management can’t trust you with one pesewa, management won’t trust you with one cedi This bite brings out some of the myths in leadership and even some of the bloopers we commit unconsciously, subconsciously and even consciously at the workplace. You often hear this at the workplace: ‘when I...
The story of Bomet, a 14-year-old Kenyan girl who killed herself after she was shamed in school for staining her uniform with her menstrual blood shocked the globe. Bomet’s story reminded me of a story about a 16-year-old girl I met on an outreach program organized by the Girls Excellence Movement. She...
When it comes to getting fit and healthy, there are many factors that can contribute to your overall sense of wellbeing. Nutrition, rest, stress levels, work commitments and genetics are just but a few of that factors with the potential to affect personal health and fitness goals. Becoming healthier and...
“The one who calls people into the pulpit is the same one who calls people outside the pulpit.” “When are you going into ministry?” This is a question I often get asked by people in my circles who believe in my Christian witness. My answer often is this: “I am...
In 1933, the Glass-Steagall Act established the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure deposits of commercial banks. India, the Philippines and Sri Lanka all in Asia continent established their schemes in 1961, 1963 and 1987 respectively. In the Continental Europe, the German scheme which is administered by private...
The story is told of William Horman, a school principal at the Eton School in London, who released a book titled 'Vulgaria' - Latin for 'everyday adages' or 'common sayings'. In this masterpiece he captured the phrase 'Manners maketh man', which among others speaks to the subject of politeness...
Scents matter. We actually live in a world of scents. That enticing aroma of freshly-baked bread, that fresh scent of freshly-washed clothes, that exciting fragrance emanating from the interior of a new car, that inviting fragrance of fresh fruits are part of the human experience that adds some quality...
What do you say: King Already? Traits of Outstanding Personal Brands In our personal branding session today, let me share with you one of the traits of successful Brands using a Ghanaian artist. If you've been a follower of my branding lessons from any of the platforms, be it radio, TV,...
Last week, many people I came into contact with told me the coronavirus isn’t real. My mechanic, a guest at the office and a few more professed how they could never get the coronavirus. I even had meetings where some people just refused to wear a mask, or took...
Today’s business must invest a significant amount of its resources to plan, develop and deploy well thought-out engagement strategies to enhance the customer’s experience and trigger in them a desire to transition from buyers into advocates. To achieve this effectively, we must ensure that our quest to keep the...