REAL ESTATE MINUTE With Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh Greetings my real estate family, I trust you are keeping safe, especially in these times. The other day I walked around my home and spotted an old septic tank or manhole as they can be called, which is no more in use,...
“If there is character, ugliness becomes beauty; if there is none, beauty becomes ugliness.” – Nigerian proverb In an era when a video - shot to humour individuals or the ‘system’ - can earn one a following so great the person becomes a voice to reckon with, we have to do...
Welcome to the concluding article on how bankers can cretae an effective risk management system with security guards. The Dangers surrounding the few Bad Nuts among Security Guards Let us look at some of the dangers that a few bad nuts facing similar situations can put the institution into. For purposes...
Who does not want to be a successful person? Indeed, success is on the wish-list of everyone – all of us all. No one sets out, usually, to fail. Failure could be hard to avoid but can be avoided still. How? Careful implementation of well-thought-out plans helps to give...
“Treat your customer, as you want to be treated as a customer." Catherine Pulsifer As intimated last week, this series was first published in this newspaper several years ago, but since the issues are still relevant, I am continuing. Before that, let me give a “shout out” to a security guard...
Internal Controls in Banks Internal controls are important in banking. Managers are obliged to protect the assets, reputation and the people in the business. This is very important to employees who are likely to feel protected from false accusations. A bank with sound internal controls promotes trust among employees. Excuses...
Dear readers, the above diagram shows the typical processes one goes through to acquire a customer’s consent to open an account. It is a mutually satisfying experience, but it can be quite tedious for both the staff and the customer. Maintaining the status and keeping the customer delighted with...
A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it. --Chinese Proverb  Organizational change is very rampant in the financial services, and it has a bearing on how people are treated as well as how they respond to the effect of these changes. In...
Last week, I created an awareness of the need for banks as corporate bodies as well as individual bankers to pay closer attention to the paradigm shift in banking and have a serious change of mindset, as a pre-requisite to moving on. This period of self-reflection is to identify...
“There is going to be digitization of the workforce in a way we have never seen before. In 10 years, probably less, we will have substantially fewer employees, and the ones we do have will be significantly different from what we have now”.—Director, Bank Governance Leadership Network,  Dear reader, I...