Family-owned businesses make up a significant portion of all businesses registered and operating in Africa. In fact, family-owned businesses are today recognised as vital participants in, and contributors to, the continent’s economy. Family-owned businesses face their own set of unique challenges. As they grow and develop, personal relationships between family...
In 2017, a German investor who initially came to Ghana to explore the viability of a solar business ended up establishing the first cocoa-pulp manufacturing factory in Ghana. They recently also launched their blockchain-based transparency system to demonstrate to their customers how much they pay their partner farmers. While...
… Critical evaluation of some use cases As a continuation for last week’s publication, this part focuses on some use case applications of Artificial intelligence in the legal field. These are sample AI-powered solutions currently in use in some jurisdictions. AI-powered solutions rely on the above technologies discussed into details....
Africa is on the cusp of an economic transformation. By 2050, consumer and business spending on the continent is expected to reach roughly US$16.1trillion. The coming boom offers tremendous opportunities for global businesses – especially US companies looking for new markets. But unless African policymakers remove existing barriers to...
…When humans and robots work side-by-side The robots are here! Maybe not yet in your office. May be not yet in your industry. Maybe not in your country. But those robots, those that are increasingly looking look like us and acting like us, are really here. Even if they are...
The Pension act in Ghana indicates that at the maximum age of 45 an individual is ineligible to contribute to the National Pension Schemes (Tier I and II). From the age of 15 years, an individual can start contributing to a Pension Scheme. The Act provides contributions to the...
As I write this article, my heart bleeds because of the wanton destruction of our environment in the search for gold by both Ghanaians and non-Ghanaians. This is the seventh article I am writing in two years on the menace of illegal mining to our water resources, forests and environment....
2022 is almost coming to an end. How has the year been so far? Have you achieved everything or most of the things you set out to do? Were your expectations met? More importantly, how have you fared emotionally and mentally amidst all the challenges you may have faced...
Recently, the World Bank Group and McKinsey & Company have released two leading reports on ‘the Future of Finance’ highlighting the current state, opportunities, risks, and/or challenges of the Financial Technology (Fintech) revolution, disruption, or eruption happening across the world and Africa. These two reports – “Fintech and the Future...
Governments around the world have indeed taken on more and more functions over time. As a result, they now guarantee the operation of many services once provided by the private sector. They also collect massive amounts of taxes and often demonstrate inefficiencies in their operations. However, it is essential to...