“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself” …MARK CAINE This week, I have decided to share an extract from my new book “The Modern Branch Manager’s Companion” published in March 2021. It is a...
Assessing KOA's definition of sustainability and the treatment of their partner farmers. KOA’S definition of sustainability One of my most important questions was asking them what KOA’s definition of sustainability meant and how it influenced their business model and relationship with their partner farmers. To KOA, they preferred to replace...
…Critical evaluation of some use cases Under conditions where there are limited resources, some AI-powered solutions may be ideal to be employed to be used to promote productivity, bridge the gap in resources, and still provide excellent and efficient services to their clients. In this third part of the application...
2019 and the ensuing years have been difficult. COVID–19 redefined how we should survive and thrive - not just in our health, but more importantly our finances too. Award-winning financial advisory Consultant and B&FT Financial Wellness columnist Richmond Kwame Frimpong has proposed a smart, simple instructional guide on how to...
As humans, we may all have experienced people with traits and characters we have found to be distasteful. We have also been confronted by others in different spaces of our lives and work where our intrinsic and extrinsic may have raised questions. Albeit they are seen as shortcomings, these...
Countries may ban the exportation of certain commodities from time to time. It is not an altogether uncommon thing to do, and it may occur for several different reasons. The length of time a commodity may remain banned is entirely relative to the reason or reasons it was banned for,...
Millet United States Department of Agriculture states that millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family. In its origin, Nithiyanantham et al. (2019) found that millet is highly eaten in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia.  Though it resembles a seed, millet’s nutritional...
On a Wednesday mid-morning, I made my way to the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba, located in Airport Residential Area, within the heart of the national capital, Accra for an arranged meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Ghana, Her Excellency Anette Chao García. Cuba, a...
We cannot continue disrespecting those in the creative space and think its ok. Back in 2008, I interviewed Mark Tonto for an article I was commissioned to write for a foreign news magazine. Mr. Tonto was a member of the famous Osibisa Group, the afro rock band formed in London...
The streets of Accra are filled with lots of beggars who can be found in traffic jams, seeking funds from passengers, drivers, riders and pedestrians every day. Most prominent among these beggars are people living with various disabilities such as blindness or eye problems, amputated legs or arms, crippled...