On Wednesday 5th October, 2022, I had the opportunity to participate in two meetings in Kumasi on the phenomenon of illegal artisanal (small-scale) mining, popularly known as galamsey. The meetings were convened at the request of His Excellency the President of the Republic. The first was with the National...
Professor Douglas Boateng, the non-executive chairperson of the Minerals Income and Investment Fund (MIIF), has again urged governments educationalists and policymakers in developing economies to consider introducing strategic sourcing as a core subject to be taught at secondary, senior high schools and universities. The retired Professor extraordinaire for supply chain...
In this great big world of digitisation seemingly on steroids, and innovations springing up faster than mushrooms overnight after a good soft rain, it is more than easy to be considered out of fashion and outside of the spectrum of useful and technological applications. Yet somehow, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data...
“Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your...
Study finds prekese to support epilepsy in animals In recent times, science has demonstrated health benefits in consuming healthy spices. For instance, one recent study found that the best way to prolong your lifespan is to eat chili pepper. Though we know that a good diet, coupled with regular physical...
Two days ago, I saw an opinion piece on myjoyonline titled: ‘Is condom the solution?’  The crust of this article suggests that access to condom use encourages promiscuity, contributes to decay in societal values and leads to the destruction of our country. According to ‘Papa Osofo’: “To give condoms on...
Once again, the month of October is here with us. This month is Dyslexia Awareness month and we, the team at Africa Dyslexia Organisation (ADO), wish to bring the attention of the general Ghanaian populace that dyslexia is a common learning disorder of concern, and it is worth the...
The amazing quality of the human has to do with growth. Nothing in this world has the ability to conquer us or to put us extinct. No wonder it is said that an asteroid or a force beyond this world is what has the capacity to destroy the earth. I am always...
You know very well that you have hernia. You attend a business programme and see people crossing their legs in corporate style and you too decided to do some knowing very well that per your condition, there can be a balloon dor! You go ahead! No one would force...
Oh no! They broke into my sacred grove They stole my precious stones My diamonds My gold Oh no! I did all I could   I buried my precious stones in the heart of the earth Deep in the boughs of the dusty earth They  searched out Deep They found out And now I weep   How they found out I do not know I did...