According to UNEP, in a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. One...
Gbese Mantse & Adontehene of Ga State Customary practices and usage, including chieftaincy, is a remarkable and respected institution, which is the foremost custodian of the cultural values of the various tribes, together with their traditional leadership, their value systems and beliefs are integral part of Ghanaian society and...
“The names of the leopard and the lizard are similar, but not their bodies.” – Akan proverb Decisions, decisions and decisions. They spiral round us in a motion like the rotations and revolving orbits of planets and moons around the sun. For a surprising majority among us - and in...
Every movement starts with a conversation. Every partnership survives through conversations. Every marriage thrives on conversations. But not all conversations are created equal. Some conversations are easy to have; chief among them are celebratory conversations. When things are going well and course adjustments are not needed, conversations are easy to...
Hand-washing is the single most effective way to reduce the spread of infections and contamination. Although common knowledge, it has taken a global pandemic to reinforce a practice as simple as washing one’s hands with soap under running water to curb the spread of a deadly disease. Today, as the...
More critical than ever, consumers have become particular and discerning about brands. Consumers make purchasing decisions with brands that they feel are dedicated to giving back, particularly with causes they also believe in and support. We can all attest that we live in an age when customers and consumers...
General Electric (GE) plans to make major job cuts in its U.S. wind operations and will consider its other markets too as windfarms are proving to be a major expense in the wake of Covid and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Continued supply chain disruption and the high cost...
After extensive preparations and negotiations these several months, the South African based African Energy Chamber (AEC) is proud to hold African Energy Week, considered to be one of the world's largest and continental energy gathering, from October 18 – 21 in Cape Town. The African Energy Week primarily aims...
SMART LOOK UP Dyslexia involves difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters; but does not affect general intelligence Dyslexia is an indication of learning differently and not an academic setback It is a common misconception that dyslexic learners are not capable of achieving fantastic results This...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many insurers to speed up their digital agendas. According to a recent global survey of insurance CEOs conducted by KPMG International, COVID-19 has been the digital catalyst insurers so dearly needed. The change has been nearly universal. 85% of insurance CEOs said COVID-19 had...