Driving holistic change from design to implementation and adoption A burning question that begs answers is whether Customer Experience (CX) and Organizational Change Management (OCM) are a suitable pair in not only delivering on customer expectations but also exceeding them. According to experts, there is no secret about influencing...
-The Joseph model Over the years, businesses and organisations which have paid due attention to record-keeping, accountability and integrity have become progressive and successful institutions with enviable brand names and trademarks. ‘Accountability and integrity’ is a subject that preoccupies the leadership of organisations and business entities in several areas of their...
… the verdict The economy of Ghana was described as a model economy for a developing country and praised by many experts as one of the fast-growing economies in the world. In 2021, Bloomberg published a report that Ghana's economic growth was faster for two years running, outperforming forecasts of...
Ghana like many other countries has not been spared the current global economic crisis. The last three months have been most excruciating, with unprecedented cedi-depreciation and rising prices of goods not seen in our recent history. The aim of this article is to offer a few recommendations on the way...
“The mind is like palm oil, when it lies still, we heat it up.” – Akan proverb Have we hit a wall, or have we hit rock bottom? We might disagree about the degree of failings in our society, but wherever you stand the situation continues to worsen with each...
Is it true that our experiences shape our lives? Do our interactions, our exposures, our contacts and our encounters with others over time go to define who we are? Where have you been quite recently or in the past, and what have you been doing? Who do you have around...
“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” Socrates I remember the first time I heard my own voice being played on a recording device. I was shocked to discover that my voice sounded different from the voice I was familiar with when I speak. Hearing my voice when it...
Every company is unique. When it comes to electricity use, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Electricity usage has no definitive solution. This was a general conclusion reached after dealing with various businesses (including yours). My previous article sought to describe a simplified structure aimed at optimising energy to achieve profit...
Profitability of the banking industry in Ghana The banking industry in Ghana is very essential to the country’s economic development. The industry is one of the most competitive and profitable in the country. The banking industry’s profitability in Ghana emanates from income in the form of interests as well as...
Adam Smith defined economics as “an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations”. This definition is centred on quantitative development that involves the physical edifices around us. Smith’s critiques said that: “He over-emphasised the material aspects of well-being and ignored the non-material aspects. It was...