…any lessons? The 2022 World Cup begins on the 20th of November, and Ghana has been fortunate to be part after all the twist and turns. This will be an opportunity for Ghanaian supporters visiting the oil rich country for the first time. If you have not made plans to...
“Although the snake does not fly, it has caught the hornbill, whose home is in the sky.” – African proverb The biggest headache in our country is that many of us are more partisan than patriotic. Thus, we have no common enemy and no vision to focus on. Instead, we...
Legislatures have been recognised as the sanctum sanctorum of the democratic edifice, in view of the fact that Legislatures occupy a very special place within the governance system of a country. Our parliament reflects the above attributes. As observed by Alban Sumana Bagbin, the Speaker of the 8th Parliament shared...
The cost of finance for Eurobond is the first key risk factor. Internal analysis of the exchange rate risk should have been considered the government should have expressed the capacity to raise the resources for repayment on the debt from the additional commodity export revenue. The next key risk...
William Russell “Rusty” Bailey III, according to Wikipedia, is an American politician who served as the 17th Mayor of Riverside, California, from 2012 to 2020. Born and raised in Riverside, California, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in political science from the United States Military Academy (West Point)...
“A culture of accountability is particularly important for a technology still struggling with standards of reliability because it means that even in cases where things go awry, we are assured of answerability” - Nissenbaum, (1996) The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the security and justice sectors has the potential...
…stages of planning & implementation There is no act too small, no act too bold. The history of social change is the history of millions of actions, small and large, coming together at critical points to create a power that governments cannot suppress. --Howard Zinn, former Political Science professor at...
The World Investment Report released in June 2022 showed foreign direct investment (FDI) into Africa reached a record US$83billion in 2021. The continent's improved investment scorecard continues to drive capital flows to the region. However, irrespective of the upward flow of capital, Africa received only 5.2% of global FDI...
The rural banking concept was introduced in 1976 with the launch of Nyakrom Rural Bank in the Central Region. The rural banking model’s policy intent was to fill the financial inclusion gap in rural communities which were seen to have been left behind by the privilege enjoyed by urban dwellers...
A computer engineer named Ray Tomlinson sent the very first email in 1971. The message he sent was just a string of numbers and letters that did not make any sense, but it was the beginning of a new era of communication. The exact message was entirely forgotten, but...