On the occasion of the 15th of November, let me extend my best wishes to all the friends of Belgium in Ghana! I had the privilege to be appointed by His Majesty King Baudouin of Belgium, as an Honorary Consul in November 1992. The Honorary Consular Corps of Ghana was founded...
Dear Readers, Belgians and Friends of Belgium, The Belgian National Anthem’s (the Brabançonne’s) central strophes go as follows: “And your invincible unity; Shall have as an immortal motto: The King, and Law, and Liberty!” These verses, that we sing together every year, evoke well what unites Belgians and the values allowing...
Before the internet, we could only trade face-to-face and through traditional forms of communication. Now, with the pervasive digital space and electronic payment systems, we can order our favourite skin care products or download music online from the comfort of our homes. We are living in a new reality...
This month’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt looks set to be a defining moment in what will surely be a pivotal decade for climate action. Whereas COP26 in Glasgow last year was dubbed the “finance COP,” this gathering has been dubbed by some the “implementation COP”...
Smart Look Up ADHD is a learning style that is presented in behaviour such as; Impulsiveness Hyperactivity Inattentiveness ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This condition presents itself in a learner with likely behaviours such as impulsiveness, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity which hampers everyday functioning and task performance. The indicators of ADHD make it...
How are you shaped as a man if you witness violence towards women as a teen, as a boy, as a man? How does what you witnessed impact how you think about men and masculinity? How does it shape how you see yourself as a man, and how you...
...as part of their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Education, whether formal or informal, is crucial to the development of any country. The major conduit for education is teachers. It is therefore fair to conclude that teachers play an influential role in the development of any country. Teachers must therefore be...
Most people tend to spend more as they earn more due to social and personal milestones such as having more disposable income and spending more on non-necessities. Most Ghanaians will justify their lifestyle inflation based on their desire for a car upgrade, designer perfumes/shoes/handbags, and luxury trips. There is...
This week’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt highlights the growing consensus that multilateral cooperation is necessary to avert an environmental catastrophe. But with geopolitical tensions spiking and the US-China rivalry heating up, such efforts seem doomed to fail - much like previous efforts to promote global...
Soy, often known as soja or soya bean, is the most popular plant-based protein source. It is also one of the most plentiful and inexpensive protein sources. Soya has become an essential part of daily life for people and animals in many parts of the world. All the above stated,...