It’s finally here! After a long break, the DAkpabli Team will resume its campaign to promote book reading for pleasure across Ghana as well as local authorship. This Saturday’s Festival of Nine Authors and Readings will happen online via Zoom Conferencing. Patrons can join via this link: or use the...
Sometimes we see flashing lights on the vehicle dashboard, either when driving or before setting off. Why do these lights come on, and what are the warnings about? In today’s write-up, let’s look at what some of your dashboard warning lights are and what they mean when lit-up. Warning lights...
Last week’s feature introduced some new normal to expect for the future of work including; Working from home and not in offices. Need for ‘Hybrid leaders’ in high demand. Working with an organization with purpose Management of the ‘always on’ culture caused by technology The concept of a job...
Right now, we are being told that the novel coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease is such an existential threat to all of us that we need extreme measures to deal with it. More than half the world’s population is bunkered down at home under effective house arrest; a form...
Fan Milk Limited has announced to its shareholders that it would not be able to pay dividend for year 2019 due to COVID-19 economic challenges. The company has noted the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) about the move. It said in statements that, “In the uncertain context of COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting...
The COVID-19 Private Sector Fund, in partnership with the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), The National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Psychological Association, Ghana Medical Association and Global Media Alliance have joined forces to launch an awareness campaign titled “Let Love Lead. End The Stigma”. The campaign plans...
Six months into the year and it already feels like eternity. The world has been severely battered by the novel Coronavirus: a kind that many have never experienced. Since the beginning of the year and especially the beginning of March, governments all over the world have taken drastic measures...
The Lu Rong Yuan Yu 956 has been detained again for the same illegal fishing crimes as it was apprehended for a year ago. In 2019 the vessel operators were issued with a fine for using under-size mesh nets and taking fish below minimum landing size: despite refusing to...
UNCTAD and IMO call on governments to work together to facilitate crew changeover and remove unnecessary regulatory obstacles to maritime transport during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The world’s reliance on maritime transport makes it more important than ever to keep ships moving, ports open and cross-border trade flowing, and...
With the COVID-19 pandemic and economic slowdown threatening the lives and livelihoods of the world’s most vulnerable people, the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has committed US$40 million to support farmers and rural communities to continue growing and selling food. IFAD’s new multi-donor fund, the COVID-19 Rural Poor...