In March 2022, the Chinese government set a target of 5-5.5% GDP growth for the year. At the time, such growth levels appeared perfectly attainable. But within a month, the Omicron variant had arrived, triggering strict lockdowns that, while stemming the spread of the coronavirus, caused serious damage to...
Owning a house is more than a dream for many. It is a representation of peace of mind, sense of belonging, security, stability, an investment, a show of self-actualization and a sense of pride. To some, it is the means to an end and not an end in itself. As...
The holidays are upon us and it’s usually very exciting for most people, not least, yours truly!  I love the Christmas season just because…I do!  Look at all the colours in the shops- red, green, white and a whole lot of sparkle plus lights!!  What is there not to...
The debt situation in Ghana In recent times, the discussion on debt and debt servicing arrangements has dominated our public discussions due to the ongoing efforts by government to restructure Ghana’s public debt through what has been described by industry players as “haircuts” under the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP)...
Mutual funds and unit trusts have been popular investment vehicles in Ghana from the 1990s. The lure of starting with little and being able to watch our investments grow as we add periodically to them has added to the growth of collective investment schemes in Ghana. Currently, there are about...
Vodafone Ghana Foundation has organised sporting activities to entertain Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and to commemorate PWD day. The activities included table tennis, Para boxing, deaf bowling, and egg and spoon competition. The event formed part of the foundation’s monthly ‘Birthday Stars’ project which seeks to execute monthly projects tied...
A common belief held among economic and financial pundits is, inflation has strong influence on the value of financial assets. Stated differently, a strong relationship could be established between inflation and the value of financial assets in the global financial market. However, inflation occurs when there is a general...
“...I say, that Power must never be trusted without a check.” ― John Adams, Adams-Jefferson Letters This article is an extract from one of the chapters in my book- “The Modern Branch Manager’s Companion” published in March, 2021. Segregation of duties is an ever-ready principle in banking that sometimes get under-rated. Please...
A total of 6,766 individuals, mostly women, in the Bono East Region are scheduled to benefit from a three-year (2020-2023) socioeconomic empowerment project aimed at improving standard of living for the people, especially marginalised groups in society. Implementation of the project includes financial literacy training, mushroom production, and ginger cultivation...
Popularity of the cryptocurrency concept in the global financial community has surged in recent years. Patrons of the novel digital currencies have increased in recent periods. The term cryptocurrency comprises two significant words. These include ‘crypto’ and ‘currency’. The term crypto connotes ‘hidden’ while currency could be described as...