‘Think before you click’ is a fundamental cyber-security principle that emphasises the importance of careful consideration before interacting with links, attachments or other elements in emails, messages or websites. This phrase serves as a reminder to individuals to be cautious and discerning in their online activities to avoid falling...
It was September 16, 2008, a Tuesday, in Mumbai, India and I was walking around the airport in the evening, waiting to board a flight to Nairobi, Kenya en route to Lilongwe, Malawi for a professional assignment. A little tired, I sat down in one of the sparsely populated row...
Following one study, Tullow Ghana partnered with Youth Bridge Foundation – a youth-focused non-governmental organisation, and the Ghana Education Service to initiate a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) project targetted at Junior and Senior High Schools within the seven (7) coastal districts where Tullow operates. This led to...
The Chief of Assakae in the Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EFKMA) in the Western Region, Nana Asante Kwadwo II, and his people have heaped loads of praises on the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MoSWR), for embarking on an exercise to clear an aged dumpsite in his area. According...
We are all aware of how a house is constructed. It starts from a bare ground, profiling the ground, then digging and so on; but before all that, a lot of conversation is done between the architect and the client as to what type of construction that must happen at...
If the stakes were not high, companies in the oil and gas industry could afford to take our work for granted and leave project execution to chance. For Mansa Engineering Limited, there is an established system and procedures that clearly define our approach to quality systems in every facet...
“A proverb is the mirror of the community.” – African proverb The search for trust no doubt counts among the best and most wonderful qualities sought in our long search for a better world. We know, to the point where it has almost become instinctual, that for any honourable human...
The bilateral trade volume of Ghana and China last year hit US$7.46billion, making China Ghana’s largest trading partner, the biggest source of foreign investment and the biggest provider of human resource training. Ghana now is the 7th-largest trading partner of China in Africa. Until 2019, more than 6,500 Ghanaian students...
Anthony J. Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, tour of Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Angola from Jan. 21-26 to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Africa. Blinken's visit was also to accelerate the U.S.-Africa partnership since the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit held mid-December 2022 in Washington. The...
The Practice of Naturopathy has many faces. Naturopathy is part of alternative medicine system group. However, it is a distinct system of medical practice on its own. Basically, Naturopathy is the general practice of natural medicines with emphasis based on modern scientific approaches. Legal definition The Dictionary of Occupational Titles published...