– As told by Equilibrium Partners The Genesis is a climate friendly luxury 30-unit apartment complex located in North Ridge, a prime area in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The location holds a significant piece of Ghanaian history. It is where the late Theodosia Okoh, who designed the Ghana...
Of all the exploits of democracy, the most fundamental, I suppose, is the rule that forbids the punishment of persons outside the province of the law. As a people who believe in the rule of law, our deepest revulsion must not only be against the commission of crime per...
In today’s article, let’s discuss the differences between interior architecture and interior design. Interior architecture is the practice of sensitively and innovatively redesigning an existing interior space, while respecting its historical value. As well as considering aesthetic design, interior architecture focuses on the functionality and material construction of interior spaces....
“Quality Control is applicable to any kind of enterprise. In fact, it must be applied in every enterprise” – Kaoru Ishikawa Last week, we dealt with modern Quality Control measures on the Client-side. This week, we will take a look at Quality Control from the Agency-side. In the market research industry...
It has become common these days to find interesting stories on social media, where people share their frustrations about what they ordered online versus what they got. Although some of these stories are hilarious, they show how some online business-people are riding on shoppers' ignorance to exploit them by...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has presented enormous challenges to the developed, emerging, and developing economies. The COVID-19 has revolutionized international trade, thereby initiating businesses into a new era of trade facilitation. The modern era of international trade is one of the increasingly complex interactions between organizations, firms, and people. Countries that...
By James Jerry BIGA Consumer preferences and behaviour, aided by technological advancement, are constantly changing. This phenomenon has resulted in businesses constantly seeking ways to stand out and create meaningful connections with their customers. One effective strategy that has gained traction in recent years is personalization – tailoring products and...
An assault on the rules governing enforceability of insurance contracts in Ghanaian Law?    BACKGROUND    The Supreme Court decision in SIC Insurance Company vs Ken Asamoah1 deserves scrutiny in light of its dire consequences or implications; striking as it does, at the heart of two important pillars of the Common Law...
Many people have so many things that they want to achieve but sadly due to lack of planning rather than lack of ability they never actually get to achieve their dreams. If you are one of those persons then ask yourself, what is stopping you? If things were to stay...
Monday, December 05, 2016 2 days to the elections… Today is the third day since Miriam broke up with Koku. He felt depressed by the loss of the love of his life. By the day, he looked sick. The pain of the break up sat on his chest. It was too...