Bepong was founded on the hunting grounds (Ahofo) of the King of Kwaafo). The name, derived from “a-b)-p)n”, indicated that big game was hunted...
The potential for tourism growth in Ghana is huge. The country possesses considerable and diverse tourism assets that can be leveraged with tourism support...
The people of Kwahu love good but healthy food and this is evident in the kind of ingredients used as well as the cooking...
Pottery is one of the oldest handicrafts in Ghana. It is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay...
“Yenko Kwahu” which translates to “Let’s Go to Kwahu” is an initiative that was conceived by the Kwahu Professionals Network. The key objectives of...
Empty office buildings. Reduced store hours. Unbelievably low hotel room rates. All are signs of the times. The containment measures put in place last...
Need to realign & amend Tourism Strategy to realize Ghana Beyond Aid to unleash rapid, inclusive and holistic socio-economic development THE devastation and disruption...
A financial sustainability requirement protects the government against losses and forces a bank to make better use of scarce financial resources. Early on, Diamond...
Aiming to be customer-centric is worthwhile if you intend to stay the course and excel as a business. This will require some deliberate planning...
Dreadlocks. For the best part of a week, they became national headlines. One teenage boy with excellent grades and a head full of dreadlocks...

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