In part 1 of this article, I analysed the response of data collated in three tables namely gender of respondents, age range of respondents and occupation of respondents. In this final part, I will analyse data collated from three more tables’ namely educational qualification of respondents, responds to job...
Institutions that match up savers and borrowers help ensure that economies function smoothly You’ve  got US$1,000 you don’t need for, say, a year and want to earn income from the money until then. Or you want to buy a house and need to borrow $100,000 and pay it back over...
One of the key attributes of money is that it is used as a unit of measurement. Thus, where Francis and Alberta earn GH₵10,000 each per month it is convenient to say that they both earn the same salary, perhaps perform similar functions in the same organisation or are...
Author:  Prof. Kwesi Yankah Publisher: Standard Newspapers & Magazines  (SNAM), Ltd. This book, written by Prof. Kwesi Yankah, is a part-compilation of his Abonsam Fireman column in the Standard, the national Catholic Weekly. The volume covers the political periods of two military regimes and one civilian government in Ghana, namely the...
Mutual Funds fall under the group called collective investment schemes.  They are mutual because you team up with others who share similar investment objectives. They are collective because your Fund Manager will invest your pooled funds together in a collection (carefully selected mix) of investment vehicles (fixed income, shares,...
This is an update on an article originally written 8+ months ago.  Still there are plenty of articles/posts on why the HR function is or can be critical in a Startup or SME Environment. As an HR & OD (=Organizational Design/ Development) Consultancy, we (HIREghana) specialize in HR Setups...
…A re-look at bank closing times (2) “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” -  Albert Einstein Dear Readers, I hope you had a good week and are ready to face another week. My last article was not to create passions among bank staff, but rather generate discussions on the...
Mobile money transactions have come in as a handy means of deepening financial inclusion in our economy, as the Payment Systems Oversight report by the Bank of Ghana shows. Mobile money transactions as at December 2016, reached GH¢78.5billion, which represents a 121percentage increase in growth compared to the GH¢35.4billion recorded...
The importance of improving smallholder agricultural development has received more attention recently from development agencies and academics alike, and therefore there is consensus that improving market access and loan acquisitions for smallholders will lead to increased income and food security - which further leads to poverty alleviation. In recognition of...
The Inspector General of Police, David Asante-Apeatu, has set his stall out with the sort of bold claim that could beget the question of 'what has this man who served his first command post in Tumu in the Upper West region, served as a Director with Interpol Headquarters and...