Cryptocurrencies have been on a surging run this year but its gaining more grounds. After Eight years with bad names and initial scam reviews, it has gotten stronger and caught the attention of many investment firms as well as corporate entities like Microsoft. With traditional ways of transferring money across...
2018 is a year to be optimistic. Nevertheless, it's also a year to be more projective and realistic with business goals. The real value of doing business this year is not only being profitable, but providing real solutions to real consumer problems. Typically, many startup businesses would be looking forward...
In a highly competitive evolving business environment, detailed tactical plans and execution of core firm-specific objectives, coupled with effective monitoring and evaluation of key performance indicators (KPIs), have not only become a means to compete but also principal ingredients for survival. In the heart of this challenging endeavour to...
As an active recruiter (I am the owner of HIREghana, ), my associates and I - we have frequently witnessed a lot of candidates doing a few mistakes here and there with their jobhunting activities. Here is a simple set of tips to help you get a new job in 2018,...
The Porcupine Warriors because of their past achievements in Africa and the Ghanaian league remain one of the best clubs in the history of Ghana whose name is all over the world. The hopes and aspiration of Kotoko supporters was raised high when their God- fearing bankroller in the person...
Almost nowhere on earth is football followed as passionately as in Africa. It is loved by Africans from all walks of life across the continent. This week, I am giving the opening address at the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Awards in Accra, Ghana. This has afforded me a good...
This article came out of a simple friendly conservation whether a small business could benefit by investing in Customer Loyalty. Of course, we all started talking about restaurants (we all have our favourites) but the ladies present stirred the conversation to hair salons. Obviously, all discussed below applies not...
It has been a good ride with cryptocurrencies for the past months with Bitcoin beating and taking over some huge leap in terms of price. That looks quite insane, but does it mean you are late for the Bitcoin party? Certainly not, the price of Bitcoin now is no surprise at...
For a large number of people around the globe, alcohol is an integral part of their lives. People consume alcohol when they are joyful, gloomy, infuriated, disheartened, and sometimes without any reason. Though moderate alcohol consumption may have substantial health benefits, there’s a definite responsibility attached to its ingestion....
Ghana’s Logistics industry continues to suffer many setbacks largely because of the disorganized and fragmented nature of the industry. An industry dominated by large number of informal and unorganized trucks and truck owners. With Logistics regarded as the backbone of the economy, providing efficient and cost effective flow of goods...