Malaria is bad for business. For this reason, Africa should invest in the local manufacturing of low-cost generic medicines to facilitate access to treatment for its people, the President of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, told African Leaders in Addis Ababa on Sunday. Adesina spoke at the African Leaders...
An old African saying has it that: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together’. Beyond individual contributions, therefore, a pressure group guarantees in-depth assessment of situations, appeals to a broader base, commands attention from stakeholders and assures a far-reaching...
Very often, we hear cases of child abuse which includes, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. It is worthy to note that most abused children have some sort of relationship with their abusers. The abusers are either, mothers, fathers, other members from nuclear and extended family and family friends including...
Very often, we hear cases of child abuse which includes, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. It is worthy to note that most abused children have some sort of relationship with their abusers. The abusers are either, mothers, fathers, other members from nuclear and extended family and family friends including...
  For many developing economies, local agricultural markets are the lifeline of smallholder agricultural production systems. Small holder farmers obtain substantial benefits through greater engagement in local markets. Marketing of farm produce of smallholders in many developing economies is beset with a number of challenges which reduce the benefits of smallholder...
Employee training can be a great asset not only to the employees but also to the company at large. Maintaining consistency training on your team helps your firm to run smoothly. Additionally, workplace training can be an excellent opportunity on which your employees can expand their skills and knowledge...
According to the Banks and Specialised Deposit Taking Institutions Act 2016, rural banks are specialised deposit-taking institutions engaged primarily in deposit-taking business within a defined catchment area. Deposit-taking business means that RCBs take money on deposit and make loans or other advances of money. Customers are one of the key...
Economies that are afflicted by a high level of corruption—which involves the misuse of power in the form of money or authority to achieve certain goals in illegal, dishonest or unfair ways—are not capable of prospering as fully as those with a low level of corruption. Corrupted economies are just not able to...
At every point in our lives, whether on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, we find ourselves at the crossroads of making choices. Making decisions is an activity we perform more often than we allow ourselves to believe, starting from deciding to get out of bed, choosing what...
Brands are the imagery of products. Every product, I would say, is made up of three parts: spirit, soul and body. The spirit is mostly referred to as the life-giving part of a man. In product terms, I refer to the brand as the ‘spirit’. A product’s acceptability and...