East Asian countries are outperforming the United States and Europe in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the fact that the outbreak began in China, to which the rest of East Asia is very closely bound by trade and travel. The US and Europe should be learning as rapidly as...
On a typical workday, hundreds of thousands of men clad in overalls and carrying safety equipment and head lamps assemble at South Africa’s mine shafts. They crowd into cramped elevators to be lowered miles underground, where they hack at seams of gold or platinum and haul ore in intense...
The news about the spread of COVID-19 is changing fast and companies are trying to make decisions about everything, depending on the industry. There are a lot of uncertainties about the spread of the virus and companies need to develop appropriate Change Management strategies to respond to it. The spread of...
“Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won`t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.” -- Amrita Sahasrabudhe, Vice President Marketing – FastMed The COVID-19 pandemic has almost ravaged every fabric of society worldwide and the banking industry has had its first share of the...
From Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe, Argentina to Zanzibar, the whole world is under siege. The very existence of the human race is under a ferocious attack from the novel corona virus, officially labelled “covid-19”. This virus has brought virtually every field of human endeavor to a frightening standstill. Every sector, be...
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the world into a recession. For 2020 it will be worse than the global financial crisis. The economic damage is mounting across all countries, tracking the sharp rise in new infections and containment measures put in place by governments. China was the first country to...
Ghana’s forests require better care if cocoa farming is to be sustainable. Wikimedia Commons Cocoa production has been the backbone of Ghana’s economy since the 1870s. It dominates the agricultural sector and contributes about 30% of the country’s export earnings. Cocoa employs about 800,000 farmers directly. It also supports the...
A 165-strong international group including 92 former Presidents and Prime ministers have penned an open letter addressed to G20 leaders, demanding the creation of a G20 executive task force and an immediate global pledging conference that would approve and coordinate a multi-billion-dollar coronavirus fighting fund. Among other concerns, the group...
As of yesterday, the total case-count for COVID-19 jumped to 287 after the country recorded 73 more cases, the Ghana Health Service announced. The regional distribution of cases are as follows: Greater Accra Region has most cases (258) followed by the Ashanti Region (18), Northern Region (10), Upper West Region...
“The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people.” – Akan proverb “Integrity is wholeness, the greatest beauty is organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe. Love that, not man,” Robinson Jeffers, the American poet considered an icon of the...