So, Ama Ata Aidoo is 80 years old. Yay!  I have met her just once. Well, I can’t really say I met her. She visited our school (Wesley Girls’ High School) one time when we put on a show of her play, The Dilemma of a Ghost. And I...
P Plunged headlong into this...unprepared Pushed to spend and expend...unbudgeted Pressed to take harsh steps...unplanned Propose and impose daytime curfew...unpleasant Pained to inflict daily austerity...unintentional There was panic in the pandemic the sound of a virus A Aged and ageing ...all at risk of sliding down and out Ailing and failing limbs ...all wailing at the hanging clouds Action and reaction ...all...
“Imagine spending a month or so in a lock down with a partner you officially hate, essentially despise, primarily abhor, incredibly detest, and categorically dislike! It would be better to serve time in some unknown corona concentration camp, far away from your veritable nemesis than spend a month of...
“Your here is there and your there is never here yet.” In your haste you’ll create waste. You need to get closer to things to tell their true colours and form. For this, I agree. At least that is what most of us learnt. The content, though, very important, always...
If you’re running a small business, chances are you wear many caps under the sun. From accountant to sales person to marketer and beyond, it’s understandable that “make a crisis communications strategy” hasn’t made it to the top of your to-do list yet. But I’m here to make the...
From London to Lombardy, from Madrid to New York, from Lagos to my home city of Accra, streets are empty, businesses are shut and social activities curtailed. The cities are in lockdown. The deadly covid-19 has forced once buzzing cities to go quite like the cemetery in my hometown,...
…either we change or something will change us “These are not normal times.” Ghana’s President Akufo-Addo used these words when he addressed the nation on March 15, 2020 on the covid-19 global pandemic which had entered the country. Many other leaders and people across the world have used these same...
The Ghana Employers’ Association (GEA) and Organised Labor are pushing for a meeting with the Ministry of Finance, to among other issues, deliberate on how government can absorb a portion of workers’ salaries to help provide some relief. Director in Charge of Industrial Relations at the GEA, Joseph Kingsley Amuah,...
Since the Coronavirus Pandemic, I have been following discussions on radio and television regarding the effect of the pandemic on the tourism industry both domestically and internationally. Many have called for domestic tourism whiles others have called for intra-Africa tourism as the solution to the impact of covid-19 on...
Impenetrable boundaries in hotel lobbies, officials in hazmat gear, and voices over loudspeakers warning hotel guests not to leave their rooms. This isn’t the opening scene from a Hollywood movie, but the real-life scenario that coronavirus COVID-19 is causing in hotels across the globe. In China, the United Arab Emirates...