A banking sector review conducted by Metis Decisions has revived the perennial issue of women under-representation at the highest levels of decision-making. The purpose of the review was to assess the ‘battle-readiness’ of banks from a corporate governance standpoint as the financial sector recovers from a period of turbulence...
The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic in December 2019 has been devastating to mankind. It is undoubtedly a hallmark in human history, and will surely be recalled just like the ‘Spanish flu’ in the 20th century. Coronaviruses are a family of RNA viruses that...
“You can learn wisdom at your grandfather’s feet, or at the end of a stick.” – Zulu proverb We have been told over and over again not to have fears. But the reality is that we are all fearful. Every time a threat rears its head, we wrap so much...
The amalgamation of an increasingly complicated world, the vast proliferation of data and the pressing desire to stay at the forefront of competition must prompt Ghanaian businesses to focus on using analytics for driving strategic business decisions. Managers of businesses must rely on business analytics to understand the dynamics...
The announcement by the IMF Executive Board that US$1Billion loan under the RCF has been approved for Ghana is good news. However, this does not take away the fiscal, growth, debt management and international reserve realities for Ghana. The IMF as an international financial institution has provided for countries to access, rapid credit...
The coronavirus has over time proven to not only be a health pandemic, but also a potentially devasting economic catastrophe to billions worldwide. It is the society’s weakest and poorest that are likely to be worst hit. It’s not far-fetched to say that no economy is exempt from the negative...
As several African countries are using lockdowns to control the COVID-19 virus' spread, they will also negatively affect economic growth on a continent which has had some of the world's fastest-growing economies in recent years, a World Bank report indicates. Last week, an African Union report said that nearly 20...
In an Africa, dealing with monumental infrastructure and energy deficits; a teeming youthful population desperate for jobs and opportunities; and currently facing what is arguably its most daunting challenge - the COVID-19 pandemic; the continent has never been as in need of leaders, who care about the development and...
COVID-19 has disrupted the whole world and has made people think differently. Globally, various activities have been disturbed and human activities have been brought to a standstill. Over a billion students worldwide are unable to go to school due to measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. This pandemic is...
Ironically, just as the “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders has suspended his presidential campaign in the United States, many of his policy proposals are becoming necessary around the world. Social-distancing measures to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted production and household income streams alike. But the effectiveness of social distancing...