The decision to involve Rural and Community Banks in the distribution of funds from the COVID-19 stimulus package to businesses is both proper and timely. Together with the EXIM Bank and other commercial banks, the RCBs will ensure the stimulus package reaches all potential SMEs earmarked to receive the...
I am a student of life, I am a member of the African diaspora and I am a Pan-Africanist – that means I love Africa and my African heritage and it does not mean that I hate people or anything of non-African heritage. As a matter of fact, I...
Annual GDP figures released by the Ghana Statistical Service indicate that the Agriculture sector is experiencing a decline in growth for the second year running, in spite of an impressive performance in 2017 soon after government introduced the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme. Currently, the sector contributes the...
African Vaccination Week in unison with World Immunisation Week is celebrated every last week in April, every year, since 2001. This year’s theme is ‘Vaccines Work for All’, celebrating the people who develop, deliver and receive vaccines as heroes contributing to protecting everyone, everywhere. The global search for a vaccine for...
“You should know what’s being cooked in the kitchen, otherwise you might eat a forbidden food.” – African proverb   When Hippocrates first espoused that “we are what we eat”, very few in his time and fewer still in the succeeding years have truly appreciated his viewpoint. We all know food...
In the early weeks of 2020, it started to dawn on people that COVID-19 could be the long-dreaded but expected “Disease X” – a global pandemic caused by an unknown virus. Three months later, the majority of the world’s population is in lockdown, and it is clear that we...
 “The path of success in business is invariably the path of common-sense. Notwithstanding all that is said about lucky hits, the best kind of success in every man’s life is not that which comes by accident. The only good time coming we are justified in hoping for is that...
…what they can do to prepare for COVID-19 recovery In this COVID-19 moment when hospitality businesses are so much in need of a bail out and following the President’s directive to the Finance Minister to make available a GHC 1 billion stimulus package to support businesses, an economist, Dr. Lord...
For two years running the country’s agriculture sector has experienced declines in growth, despite an impressive performance in 2017 after the government introduced the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme. Annual GDP figures released by the Ghana Statistical Service show that the country’s largest employer – the agriculture sector...
Our world today is dealing with a crisis of monumental proportions. The vicious, novel coronavirus is wreaking havoc across the globe, destroying lives and ruining livelihoods.  The primary cost of the pandemic as seen in the loss of human lives is distressing, but the secondary effects on the global...