It’s time for a James Clear reproduction! We’ve been discussing COVID and how it’s affecting different sectors for 6 weeks nonstop, so let’s switch it up to some useful self-help tricks that are easy and highly impactful. Our last James Clear reproduction was over 5 months ago; that’s long enough....
There has been a ray of hope: a landmark production-cut agreement among OPEC, OPEC+ and G20 stakeholders on April 12 put an end to the oil price war Stunning drops in crude oil prices—the result of COVID-19-related declines in demand and an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia—have...
When it comes to medical diagnostics devices, Africa is seen mainly as a consumer not a producer. But young African Scientists like Dr. Laud Anthony Basing, the Medical Laboratory Scientist behind the COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Test kits manufactured in Ghana, are determined to change that narrative as the continent,...
The onset of a coronavirus-induced global recession has affected both labour markets and financial flows across the world. At the confluence of these two are remittances, which have increasingly been among the top contributors to GDP in many emerging markets over recent decades. The issue is particularly pertinent for those...
"All crises are judgments of history that call into question an existing state of affairs. They sift and sort the character and condition of a nation and its capacity to respond. The deeper the crisis, the more serious the sifting and the deeper the questions it raises. At the...
Last week I commenced a series entitled “without decisive action Ghana will be sleepwalking into a world that widens existing inequalities and uncertainties - which was addressing amongst other things the ten recommendations put forward by the ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of Work.  According to the report,...
"Challenges are what makes life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" -- Joshua J. Marine In this era of pandemics, all banks are reminding their customers to go digital. This is a very good advice to give, but how is this being implemented? Let us look at some feedback...
The UN labour agency is predicting that more than 430 million enterprises in hard-hit sectors such as retail and manufacturing “risk serious disruption owing to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic”. For millions of workers, no income means no food, no security and no future. Millions of businesses around the...
With technology becoming an integral part of today’s business, the various components of your pack can interact among themselves to achieve your objectives only via a carefully selected electronic channel. A good e-business strategy model must be carefully planned with clear-cut vision. You cannot leave the objectives vague. Most...
My last column commented on the huge changes that societies all over the world have found themselves able to make, to fend off the covid-19 virus pandemic. Until very recently, these changes would have seemed quite inconceivable (for example, who would have thought it possible to shut down every...