In the not too distant past, the Ghanaian banking sector was very buoyant and colourful to the admiration of many. Many foreign banks found safe haven in Ghana. They had so much promise for the Ghanaian economy. Access to loans were as easy as a hot knife cutting cheese....
So, we all know of the Golden Rule, right? I mean, the “Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you” Rule. Great. The Golden Rule as a moral standpoint has applications and implications for all walks of life, including in the world of business. The...
Principles are fundamental norms, rules, or values that represent what is desirable and positive for a person, group, organisation or community, and help it in determining the rightfulness or wrongfulness of its actions. Principles are more basic than policy and objectives and are meant to govern both. So, then,...
Digital wallets are poised to transform the way consumers shop and pay retailers, restaurants, and service providers. Early wallets are enabling the convergence of offers, coupons, loyalty, and payments. Successful wallets will enhance the consumer's commerce experience by delivering more value, greater convenience, and a contextually relevant, compelling experience....
A public policy think-tank, CUTS Ghana, is urging government to rather enhance domestic revenue mobilisation and shelve the idea of short-term borrowing. The position is being mooted because of the huge gap between government’s revenue and expenditure, which has prompted it to borrow to meet the funding gap. CUTS’ rationale...
“Too many security officers live day to day. They just want to be treated with dignity” ---John Wilson Dear Readers, please read this post carefully. It went viral on social media recently, but after reading it, I started feeling guilty about some of the issues involved because most of us...
The Ghana International Women’s Club, the Children’s Heart Foundation, Infanta Malaria and the India Women’s Association have come together to raise funds through an 8-km health walk. Dubbed United for Charity, the walk which took place last Saturday, begun from the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra and proceeded through several...
The Internet has brought tremendous possibilities for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and earn more money. At the same time, while it can dramatically help you grow your business outside your zip code, the global exposure which it brings also increases the risks your business faces. ' Some of them could...
Africa, a market of more than 1 billion people banks a collective Gross Domestic Product of $3.4 trillion a year.  By doing business with anyone other than itself. In 2016, the World Bank listed the top 5 products exported from Africa as gold  in semi manufactured form ($9 billion); non...
Forging a common front to combat cybercrime, rather than seeing themselves as competitors, is the ideal way to tackle cyber insecurity, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Mrs. Mansa Nettey has observed. The banking industry can protect itself from the growing threat of cybercrime if players engage with one another, and...