The ranging novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has suppressed import and export trade. The volume of goods passing through the country's two seaports declined by 44.9 per cent to 3.77 million tonnes in the first quarter of 2020. Data from the Ghana Shippers' Authority (GSA) shows that total throughput reduced from...
Even though the country undertook a massive financial sector cleanup recently, there are still snippets of underhand dealings going on in the sector. The Bank of Ghana (BoG) this week announced that in 2019, the banking industry reported a total number of 2,295 fraud cases as compared to 2,175 fraud...
In 1933, the Glass-Steagall Act established the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure deposits of commercial banks. India, the Philippines and Sri Lanka all in Asia continent established their schemes in 1961, 1963 and 1987 respectively. In the Continental Europe, the German scheme which is administered by private...
MIGA, a member of the World Bank Group, has issued guarantees of up to US$235million to a wholly-owned subsidiary of South Africa’s FirstRand group for a period of up to 15 years, covering the subsidiaries’ mandatory reserves held as per regulatory requirements in Botswana, Eswatini, Ghana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Nigeria...
The COVID-19 pandemic, one of the world’s most significant events, has resulted in cessation of economic activities that will lead to a significant decline in GDP, an unprecedented social disruption, and the loss of millions of jobs. According to estimates by the African Development Bank, the contraction of the...
Dr. Manfred B. Ewool, a Senior Research Scientist and Maize Breeder at the Council for Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR) Crops Research Institute (CRI), notes that since maize is a staple food in Ghana, enhancing it with Vitamin A is a long- term approach to minimise Vitamin 'A' Deficiency (VAD)...
While President Akufo-Addo and the Receiver of collapsed financial institutions, Eric Nana Nipa, have publicly claimed that they have almost completed paying depositors’ locked funds, Ezekiel Annor-Head of the Association of Affected Customers of Savings and Loans institutions, is disputing the claims. According to Mr. Annor, many of the affected...
Innovation is the engine that drives contemporary economies. Living standards are determined by productivity growth, which in turn depends on the introduction and dissemination of new technologies that allow an ever-wider variety of goods and services to be produced with fewer and fewer of our planet’s resources. Policymakers and the...
The story is told of William Horman, a school principal at the Eton School in London, who released a book titled 'Vulgaria' - Latin for 'everyday adages' or 'common sayings'. In this masterpiece he captured the phrase 'Manners maketh man', which among others speaks to the subject of politeness...
“Every man’s character is good in his own eyes.” – Yoruba proverb Collectively, we always invoke God to “Bless our homeland, Ghana”. The supplication is for our good. It is a deep-seated desire for truth and justice for ourselves; and then the good of the public interest. But in our...