It has come to the notice of the management of Mole Motel Company Limited that your widely read Business & Financial Times published a report authored by one Samuel Sam on the above subject "NEDco clamps down on power theft in the Northern and Savannah Regions". According to the...
Juliet Bawuah is the new Group Head of Sports at Media General, the parent company of TV3, 3FM, Onua TV, Onua FM, Akoma FM, and Connect FM. Her appointment took effect from July 1, 2020. She replaces Michael Oti Adjei, who has moved on to head the group's digital...
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to pose multiple challenges for governments, development banks are playing an important role in aiding the recovery in emerging markets. The virus has caused extensive damage to the global economy and trade. To offset some of the negative effects of the forced closure of entire industries and the collapse...
“God gives us the opportunity to choose what we want and the choices determine the outcome of our lives.” Junction A junction is a place where two or more roads meet. It is a place of options. It is a place of decisions and a place of choice. It is a...
Violence against women is usually executed by close relations mostly men; in some instances, we see women attacking their fellow women. This constitutes one of the biggest violations of human rights, a dent on dignity and the foremost impediment to achieving the Global Goals. Surprisingly, there are instances where...
If there is one thing that has come to stay in this mobile-crazy world, it is the advent of new terms every now and then. Many of us are learning how to WFH and this means we have to ensure that at every point in time we have enough...
Nestlé Milo, in partnership with Ghana’s number-one urban radio station Y107.9FM, has partnered to promote sports among Ghanaian youth through drama. Dubbed ‘For the Love of Football’, the series unfolds a story in Accra revolving around a talented young man named Kwame - a JHS 1 student who dreams...
Does it really matter? Imagine a situation where you have spent a fortune manufacturing a product, does it not make sense to invest in an experience that complements the investment? It only takes a fraction of that investment to transform the way customers perceive your brand. An additional process...
Corruption, the abuse of public office for private gain, is about more than wasted money: it erodes the social contract and corrodes government’s ability to help grow the economy in a way that benefits all citizens.  The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the importance of stronger governance for three reasons. First,...
A crucial part of effective communication is confidence. The effect of a message can impact differently because of the energy that it carries; the way and manner in which it is said. Confidence is an expression of how we feel inside about ourselves and on a daily basis, the...