As indicated in the last publication on 17th August 2020, we shall continue this topic by looking at the implications of failure of a Garnishee to attend the Garnishee Proceedings after having been duly served, disputes of liability and discharge of Garnishee or Judgment Debtor. We shall also answer...
The labour of our great forbearers who gave their lives to put Ghana among the league of respected nations in education will be turning in their graves for recent happenings in Ghana’s education. Sadly, secondary school education in Ghana under the first batch of the Free SHS is confronted...
“Until you have a purpose and clear direction of your life (business) you will only be building a fake Brand” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Pause - unbrand! Could it be that you have been doing it incorrectly? Branding, and more precisely personal branding, has become a buzz word tossed about now...
Debates on elections 2020 have shifted from prudent management of the economy to which party has provided the largest number of infrastructure, at what quality and at what cost. When he presented the Mid-Year budget review on July 23, 2020, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta repeatedly stated that the New Patriotic...
Ghana's economic development is deeply rooted in agriculture. But the sector’s contribution to GDP, which used to be over 40%, has reduced drastically to 20%. The fact that the sector employs over 40% of the countries labour force but contributes less to GDP should be a cause for concern....
There are various ways in which fraudsters may try to deceive you into giving them your personal and security details. Here are some of the common online banking frauds that are prevalent. Trojan: Trojan is an internet virus that gets installed in your computer while browsing internet or downloading from unsecured...
Rural and community banking begun in the country in 1976 with the objective of helping fill a void created by lack of effective financial intermediation in the rural areas. From the first bank to be established in Agona Nyakrom in the Central Region, the number has grown to a total...
Today we live in a globalized world actively promoted by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its appendages as the panacea for the growth and development conundrum of third world countries. Thanks to technological advances in transportation and communication, the sheer complexity, scope and scale of interaction and interconnectedness...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers opportunities for a developing country like Ghana to transform its economy.  AI can provide solutions in all sectors of the economy. In agriculture, AI offers solutions for the detection of pests and diseases. In health, AI can help in the diagnosis of diseases using fewer...
“We are experiencing the sharpest decline in per capita income since 1870,” United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) António Guterres pointed out in a recent speech, warning that the COVID-19 crisis has put 70-100 million people at risk of being pushed into extreme poverty. Preventing that outcome will require concerted and...