Nurturing what might be considered as” acceptable behaviours” in an organization is not a mean task. To be able to infuse a growth orientation...
The United Nation’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimate that there will be 1.3 billion more Africans by 2050. From 2017 to 2050,...
Most young people and graduates from the University and other tertiary institutions don’t usually know their career path even after school. That`s not a...
Worldwide, agriculture is the main source of income among the rural poor. Relative to other sectors, agricultural growth can reduce rural poverty rates faster...
As the World’s largest country, about 70% of Russia’s land area is estimated to be a high risk territory for agriculture with productive agricultural...
The National Communications Authority of Ghana on June 8, 2020, declared its intent to classify Scancom Limited (MTN) as a Significant Market Power, exercising...
The 2nd lesson from the “Communal Labour Concept” for our National Infrastructure Development Planning and Implementation is how to collect data. The communal labour concept...
Apps, Tools, and Services I have compiled a couple of tools and services for promoting your brand and making some money on the internet. 3 Keys...
Armed with a face mask, notebook and pen, Everlyne Akinyi Omondi sets out each morning from her one-room home in Nairobi’s informal settlement of...
In development lexicon peace, stability and economic growth have been described as mutually reinforcing and have the collective power to spur inclusive development.  This...

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