Recipes with Dainess Chef School: Beetroot Red Velvet Cake



  • Butter -125g
  • Flour -250
  • Sugar -250g
  • Dainess Baking Soda -1tsp.
  • Salt -pinch
  • Yoghurt (Fresh) -100g
  • Beetroot -200g
  • Dainess Red food Colour -2tsp.
  • Eggs -2

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cook and blend beet root.
  2. Melt chocolate with half portion of the butter over hot water in a Bain Marie.
  3. Cream the other half of the butter and sugar till fluffy.
  4. Add in the blended beetroot.
  5. Gradually add in the eggs, one at a time.
  6. Sift flour, baking soda, food colour and salt together; then add to the mixture.
  7. Mix in yoghurt carefully.
  8. Gradually fold in the melted chocolate.
  9. Grease and dust baking tin, then pour the cake mixture into the tin.
  10. Pre-heat oven and bake at 180◦c for 30mins.
  11. Serve and enjoy your red velvet cake with ice cream, whipped cream or with any beverage of your choice.