Literacy and menstrual health: Innova DDB, GEIG partner for corporate reading programme


The Girls Education Initiative Ghana (GEIG), in partnership with Innova DDB, has engaged 15 beneficiaries of GEIG in a reading and mentorship session. The partnership forms part of GEIG’s Corporate Reading programme, a delivery approach in the Read to Grow programme, which seeks to involve corporate organisations in promoting literacy education and mentorship to school children in communities in Ghana.

The partnership, which happens to be the first of the Corporate Reading programme, had 15 beneficiary girls of GEIG interacting with the staff of Innova DDB. During the session, the female staff of Innova DDB discussed menstrual health with the GEIG girls by reading literature on menstrual health. Menstrual kits were also donated to 20 girls from GEIG by the staff of Innova DDB.

Girls Education Initiative Ghana (GEIG), as part of our Read To Grow (RTG) programme, launched in March 2023, aims to provide literacy education for school children in underserved communities in Ghana. With various delivery approaches by GEIG to get the school children reading, the management has incorporated the Corporate Reading approach that seeks to provide the opportunity for the students to have a reading session with staff of various corporate institutions in the country.

The purpose of corporate reading is not only to better the literacy skills of the school children, but also to build upon their confidence and provide career mentorship for them. Having these school children interact with the staff of the partnered institution will inspire them to aspire to become like their reading mentors.

The second edition of the Corporate Reading activity takes place with staff of Tex Styles Ghana Ltd., parent company Vlisco and manufacturers of GTP, and Wooden fabric. This partnership was successful after the management of Tex Styles agreed to have a session with GEIG’s Read To Grow beneficiaries. The session comes off in September and will have a series of activities to inspire the school children to learn for a brighter future.

Girls Education Initiative of Ghana (GEIG) is a non-profit organisation that has existed since 2014. GEIG’s mission is to provide financial and academic support to girls and applicants with special needs so they can access higher-quality education and professional opportunities.

GEIG is transforming the lives of young women in Ghana and improving development and poverty reduction of the country by offering higher education and professional opportunities to an untapped source of talent.