Takoradi-based businesswoman enstooled as nkosuohemaa of Nsuta Bonkrong in the Ashanti Region


Takoradi-based businesswoman, Mrs. Theresa Amoh-Yeboah, has been enstooled as the Queen mother of Nsuta Bonkrong in the Sekyere Central District of the Ashanti Region, with the stool name Nana Frimpomaa Atakora Amoh-Yeboah I.

She is also the husband of Mr. Justice Amoh, the President of one of Ghana’s leading construction companies, Justmoh Construction Limited.

The colourful ceremony which was well-attended by people from all walks of life, including traditional rulers, business executives, friends of the Nkosuohemaa and the husband, saw rich display of Ashanti traditions and culture. Also in attendance were the clergy from various denominations to support and show appreciation to Nana Atakora Amoh-Yeboah I, who has over the years supported community and church activities.

She swore the oath of allegiance to the acting President of the Nsutaman Traditional Council – Nana Osei Bosompem III, chiefs, and the people to signify her acceptance of the position accorded her and to abide by the rules, regulations and responsibilities that go with her position as the Nkosuohemaa, which is not only to facilitate the development of Nsuta Bonkrong alone, but also the entire Sekyere Central District. A grand durbar was held in her honour, where she was presented to the world to begin her journey and work.

Development initiative

The Nsuta Bonkrong Nkosuohemaa, who is people-centred and has a soft spot for the underprivileged in society, established the Mama Thess Foundation as a special purpose vehicle for her philanthropic programmes. One of the priority areas of the foundation is investment in girl-child education. A number of young girls in both Takoradi – where she plies her business – and Nsuta Bonkrong, her home town, have benefitted greatly from her generosity and are in schools, where she caters for all their needs to enable them access education and reach their goals. Teenage pregnancy is another concern of the Nkosuohemaa as she has devoted a lot of time, energy and resources to educate young girls to, as much as possible, avoid teenage pregnancy and rather concentrate on their education and training till completion. Those who unfortunately became victims of teenage pregnancy were supported to go back to school or learn a trade so they do not become a burden on their parents and society.

Support for the church

Being a devout Christian, she collaborated with the husband to invest in the construction of the Nsuta Bonkrong Anglican Church, a project which started in 2007 to give a befitting place of worship to the Anglican congregation. She also supported other church projects and the construction of a prayer centre at Adansi Kusa.

Love for children

As a mother, she extended her love not only to her biological children, but also to the underprivileged children with special needs as well as orphans. It is, therefore, not surprising that she is the honorary Mother of the Twin-City Special School, where she ensures the children are well catered for. The Kejebil Children’s Home in the Ahanta West Municipality is another beneficiary of her generous contribution to the well-being of children. She makes annual donations to the orphanage.


Nana Frimpomaa Atakora Amoh-Yeboah I indicated that being blessed by the Almighty God makes it imperative for her to be a blessing to the have-nots. “I have reached where I am by God’s grace and I can only show my appreciation to God by helping others,” she said. She added that: “I will continue to do all I can to help as many people as I can so far as I have the strength with the help of my Maker”.

Support base

Nana Frimpomaa Atakora Amoh-Yeboah I, who is married to Mr. Justice Amoh, the President of Justmoh Construction Limited, counts her husband as the strength and inspiration behind her work. “He has always stood by me and pushed me to do more even when it is tough. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my husband for standing by me from day one since I embarked on this philanthropic journey,” she said.


She promised to do more in her power and her new role as the Nkosuohemaa to bring more development to her people. She commended, Nana Osei Bosompem III – the Adako Jachiehene and acting President of the Nsutaman Traditional Council; Nana Tutuwaa III – Adako Jachiehemaa; Nana Aboagye Sakyi – Nsuta Bonkrong Odikro; the chiefs, elders and people for the trust reposed in her and assured them of working to meet their expectations. Nana Amoh-Yeboah I appealed to all Ghanaians to do the little they can to help better the lives of the unprivileged.

Justice Amoh

Mr. Justice Amoh who was obviously enthused about the elevation of his wife to the position was seen with her throughout the ceremony and promised to continue to stand by her in her new role to impact more lives.

House 2 fraternity (H2f)

Mr. Amoh, affectionately referred to as Uncle Justmoh, is also one of a patrons of the H2F, and despite his busy schedule participates actively in the fraternity’s activities. It was, therefore, not out of place that the administrator of S2F, Esther Eduwah Hagan, led a team from Takoradi to support the grand enstoolment of Mrs. Theresa Amoh-Yeboah as the Nkosuohemaa of Nsuta Bonkrong in the Sekyere Central District of the Ashanti Region.