Business Leadership Ghana – BLGH – is born


A new forum for business leaders in corporate Ghana has been established with the sole aim of making Ghana thrive for business, and making business thrive for Ghana.  Business Leadership Ghana, BLGH, is really an association of business leaders in Ghana with membership comprising some of the biggest and best-known businesses operating in Ghana.

The Association intends engaging key players in Ghana’s business society, including government, civil society and labour, to exchange ideas in our national interest and create effective dialogue. Business Leadership Ghana (BLGH) is the forum through which members not only express this belief but take action to create a more prosperous and inclusive state.


The BLGH mission is to build an environment in which our companies can compete globally and nationally as responsible companies for prosperity; and by so doing contribute to building better and stronger communities underpinned by job creation through sustained economic growth for the country.

BLGH intends to focus on some core activities, which combined with its social contract with Ghana and its citizens will help in facilitating a better and more inclusive state.

The association will thus advance a modern, inclusive and growing economy while upholding rules and regulations of the state; protecting the integrity of state institutions; and demonstrate that business is a national asset which is central in addressing poverty, unemployment, economic injustice, and transformation.

Purpose of the Association 

It is Business Leadership Ghana’s purpose to make Ghana an excellent place for business and making business excel and thrive for Ghana, so as to ensure an inclusive, sustainable, and conducive environment for business growth; and as a partner for economic revitalisation and inclusive growth, create critical structural reforms for economic development and stability.


Business Leadership Ghana – BLGH – would like to invite business leaders (both corporate and individual) in Ghana to come onboard to create a great common platform for Ghana’s economic development, sustainability and progress.

Business leaders with such interests are humbly invited to join us through the link:

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