Poetry Corner: Highly Infused Veins – H. I. V.  (2)


Labour pains ran all over her anatomy

Lowering from her upper

Down her lower


Announcing her place among fertile women


Her labour noise was heard

Travelling along the lobby

Registering her voice

Around the ward of maternity

Calling her nurse

To attend to a delivery


So her nurse hurried to calm her noise

Calming her

Not to make labour pains and noise



The vital stats taken

Stated a healthy status

But her blood count

Could not be accounted for

So her nurse made a dash

To consult her superior

When she returned

She had an order from her superior

To seek another’s blood to transfuse

Before birthing could be granted a berthing


However, a quick check at the blood bank

Got her confused

For there was no ready blood

To use to transfuse


Her husband was the first

To offer blood to donate

But hardly did his blood grouping

Prove to match

Many others lined up to offer a pint

Hardly could any offer up a quart

…of quality blood

To donate

So a search team was sent to town

For that rare blood grouping

To locate


One they brought from town

Was a real gentleman of no mean repute

A fact no one would dispute

No infectious disease could anyone impute

…to his blood

No debilitating defect

Could the routine test detect

…in his blood

Husband and wife and family

Had reason to shower

Tons upon tons of flowers

Upon the generous donor

Therefore a bouncy baby was added to the number


Many years passed

Many years passed for symptoms to tell their own story

For mother and child


For it was a stern warning

Sent down each morning

Which gave them a serious cause for worrying



Each morning was a wake up call

To welcome a chain of malaise

A back pain or a neck pain

A headache or a stomachache

From a bout of malaria

To a round of nausea

From a pound of diarrhoea

To a mound of pneumonia


Each symptom served a reminder

To visit a laboratory

For a test through the body

Each body test

Recommended an advanced test


Many tests crossed paths

For diagnosis to tell the real story

For prognosis to point to a medical history


A history filled with the story

Of a transfusion of a man’s blood

…of years ago

When a donor of repute

Dispensed blood full of impurities

…without knowing

When a routine test recommended blood full of infections

…without knowing


Rife but reliable rumours in town had it all

That the gentle donor

Dragged from town years ago

That the donor of no mean repute

Was now a patient wasting away

In a sickbay

Where his H. I. V. and AIDS status

Was now not in dispute