Chris Koney’s column: Everyday beauty tips for corporate ladies


Most of the women are working at offices these days, and busy work life always takes a toll on skin and overall appearance. In this post, I will tell you about 10 awesome tips that any office goer can follow. These are super easy to follow and you will not need to invest any extra time for any of these.

  1. Wake up early

If you want to look beautiful on your way to the office, you must wake up early. Getting ready in 5 minutes may end up being a disaster. Waking up early in the morning gives you time to get ready properly. In addition, you get time to work out – which improves the circulation and gives your face a glow. If you get some time, you can also massage your face with a jade roller in the morning, which reduces puffiness and gives you a fresh face.

  1. Take a shower and clean the face

Do not skip a shower in the morning because you are running late. Taking a shower cools down the body and helps you to look fresh. If you skip this, your skin will look dull and you will look like a Zombie. In addition, many women skip washing the face in the morning as they pamper the skin at night, and there is no sweating involved. However, you need a clean face in the morning to layer on new products. Use a very mild cleanser like one from Cetaphil. You can also use water and maybe a konjac sponge to remove the residues from the night.

  1. Use sunscreen

Using sunscreen is necessary not just for the sun. The radiation from laptops and computers at the workplace also damages the skin, and you need a SPF to prevent that. Apply it before leaving for the office and re-apply it after every 2 hours. You do not have to spend extra time on this. Do this whenever you go to the washroom and both our skin and time will be saved.

  1. Apply and re-apply moisturiser

Same thing also applies for moisturisers. Our skin needs some hydration and moisturisation to survive long hours in the office. Use lightweight day cream, which will provide both without making the skin oily. If your office space is air conditioned, you will need to reapply this too. Use light, non-comedogenic moisturisers that will not damage the skin even if you re-apply it 3-4 times during your work hours.

  1. Tie your hair

Keeping the hair open for that long is not a smart decision. It will make you sweat and may cause rashes in the neck area. Also, your hair will be damaged due to pollution and air-conditioner exposure. Braid or bun is the best option for office goers. They are easy to do and there are stylish variations that can be done easily by beginners. You can keep the hair away from your face, and there will not be any tangle in the hair.

  1. Dress comfortably

Dressing comfortably is another thing that you must keep in mind. Wearing super stylish velvet clothes to the office will raise the eyebrows of your colleagues, make you uncomfortable and you will sweat like anything. Try to pick fashionable clothes that are apt for office wear. If you learn a few styling tips, your office wear will not be boring. Try to use cotton, linen and other comfortable fabrics. Use cotton scarves and stoles to add some glam factor to your outfit without making it too heavy and uncomfortable

  1. Apply light makeup

Apply very light makeup for your office look. Do not wear something that will need lots of touch up and maintenance. Use lightweight BB creams, kajals and lip-glosses. Use stuff that will be comfortable for the skin and will not cause breakouts when used regularly. Replace your alcohol-containing makeup-fixing product with rose water or cucumber mist. This will give a fresh soft glow to the skin, and everyday use will not cause any harm.

  1. Lip balm

Carrying a lip balm in your purse is very important. Our lips often get chapped and dry when we stay in AC rooms for hours. Use one whenever your lips feel dry. At times, lip balms contain products that make the lips further drier and you end up using it repeatedly. Avoid such products. Lip balms from The Body Shop and Kama Ayurveda are great for long-lasting softness.

  1. Wash face with water

You do not have to follow a deep cleansing routine while in the office or when you are leaving it. However, washing the face with water never hurts. Your makeup will melt away. However, it is ok to have a fresh face without makeup instead of one that looks dull with makeup. Wash your face whenever you layer on the sunscreen or moisturiser or once before you leave. You can also use baby wipes. This keeps your face oil-free and fresh for hours

  1. Drink water

To prevent your skin from looking dull and tired, it is important to drink water and keep the skin hydrated. Make sure to drink at least 2 litres of water when you are at the office. Instead of going for cups of coffee and milk-tea, opt for green tea and detox drinks. This will keep the skin hydrated, and it won’t look lifeless by the end of the day.

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