Olam marks IWD by launching ‘Sparkle Your Career Confidence’ programme

Olam marks IWD by launching ‘Sparkle Your Career Confidence’ programme
Members of GROW pose with Mr. Stephen Takyi Adeakye, Head of HR, at Olam Ghana during the group’s celebration of IWD 2022

Olam Ghana’s women employee networking group, GROW, celebrated International Women’s Day with the launch in Accra of ‘Sparkle Your Career Confidence’ – a three-module programme with a focus on nurturing the women’s talent pipeline into leadership positions at the workplace.

The programme encourages female employees by empowering them to advance their career aspirations, take on critical opportunities, and create an impact that allows for recognition and growth.

“Development programmes such as ‘Sparkle Your Career Confidence’ are significant to the exposure and growth of female employees. This should help boost their confidence, enable them aim higher and prepare them to take up leadership positions within the organization,” said Portia Napaaba of the Learning and Development Unit at Olam’s HR Department.

“Through GROW, Olam Ghana is partnering with global leadership consulting firm DDI to organise a three-part learning series for our ladies. This will cover topics including but not limited to personal branding and how to market yourself internally and externally, exploring the neuroscience behind women and confidence, and inculcating into the ladies’ risk-taking abilities to stretch beyond the ordinary,” Ms. Napaaba added.

The launch-event took place at the Fiesta Royale Hotel, bringing together women from various businesses within the organisation to interact with Mrs. Patience Akyianu – Group CEO and Director of Hollard Insurance and Hollard Life Assurance – on the best ways career women should plan and organise their year.

GROW, the acronym for Globally Reaching Olam Women, is a voluntary association of female workers in Olam that was launched in 2018 as part of the company’s commitment to providing a common platform for empowering and uniting women within the organisation.

Since its inception, the association has grown to accommodate more and more women, and increase female engagement within Olam through various initiatives such as community networking, volunteering, donations, personal development programmes and mentorship programmes, and special seminars targetted at advancing female participation in the workplace and promoting an all-inclusive working environment for employees.

“This platform was created to help women within the organization, and our annual conference is always focused on empowering women and promoting inclusiveness. As we celebrate women today and reiterate our dedication to breaking bias, we encourage every individual – especially women – to garner the courage to speak up against any form of inequality that hinders growth,” advised GROW Ghana president, Mrs. Christiana Anim Asare.

Olam Ghana continues to invest in the well-being of its female employees by ensuring they have all the resources available to enable them to succeed.

The company has also invested hugely in a series of leadership programmes and career development seminars with a league of highly-accomplished global business leaders and academic institutions, to help inspire confidence and aid in the growth of young women within the organisation.