Poetry Corner: When your tongue is eaten…


They were born

Opportunists and sycophants and bootlickers

The same day poodles and propagandists and praise singers

…were born

The same way hypocrisy begat mediocrity

For bootlickers to earn a deserved booty

As they paid incompetence for a bad work done

As they prayed for competency to elude them


Just because of where your bread was bettered and buttered

You sold them your intellectual head

You vouched for their tongue each time they lied

They scared you to act coward

Their goofs and gaffes, your ears never heard

The standards they lowered below the bar, you cheered

But they who veered off against the wind, you jeered


Just because they bought you a free lunch

You surrendered the freeness of speech

You sacrificed the clearness of conscience

You feigned a blindness of eyes

You forced a deafness of ears

But they who broached the matter of their offences, you loathed

Just because your ilk raised you as a fanatic

You fanned off every attack on your ilk

You planned a day to hack away those, with your long blacklist

You grew your wings

To soar above your sins with a thick skin

So they who fanned dissent for your fan, you deserted


Just because they promised your back to cover

You offered to shower words of love

Showered words so blended with kind syllables

To show you so like the cover for your dark deeds

So they who dared uncover the dark, you cursed



When you fall to what you stand for

You fall to that which makes you stand tall

What you stand for

That you must stand for


When your tongue is frozen

Your whole is imprisoned

When your tongue is eaten

You are beaten…and broken