Business Strategy Forum 2021 slated for Oct 7

Business Strategy Forum 2021 slated for Oct 7

The Business Strategy Forum (BSF), an event that seeks to create the platform for stakeholders from various sectors of the economy to discuss and elaborate on clear road map to navigate the volatile marketplace, has been slated for October 7-8, 2021.

The two-day forum, which is expected to connect stakeholders from both local and foreign locations will be held at the Accra City Hotel, with connectivity being both virtually and in-person.

According to the organizers of the forum, Role Model Africa, as a way to ensure that participating managers, supervisors and middle-level staff gain hands-on experience through the forum, sessions will be designed with engaging and practical content that would increase the learning and absorption rate in a social media-driven era where attention is a rare commodity.

This year’s forum will hinge on four carefully selected thematic areas namely: ‘Leadership, People Management, Sales strategy and Culture of Excellence’.

The carefully selected seasoned resource persons for this two-day forum include Dr. Jeff Bassey, Management Consultant, Corporate Trainer, Entrepreneur and Founder of the HR Certification Centre Ghana; Mawuli Ocloo, Sales Expert with over 25 years sales and marketing management experience; and Patrick Otieku-Boadu, Certified ABNLP Master Practitioner of NLP and a Certified Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy and a Certified mBIT Coach.

The leadership module guarantees that critical gate-keepers are well equipped to champion the all-important cause of a result-driven team whiles ensuring that job satisfaction can be a hallmark to churn multiple successes especially within this period of uncertainty.

From the organizers point of view, people management skills are one of the top skills global leaders place much emphasis on. The how-to of this soft technique that makes a team yearn not only to work with the organization but with the personality is unlocked in the people management session. This soft skill organizers are sure that participants would acquire to manage teams remotely to achieve the needed results.

Furthermore, the Sales strategy model, would afford participants the documented approach for prospecting and attracting high-paying clients. At almost every point in time, an organization has very limited resources which have to be optimized to produce the greatest results, the basis for this topic.

In ‘culture of excellence’ the forum considers the role of all stakeholders charged to drive the organization to its peak. Every organization is keen on how well its team carries its vision and goals. High-performing companies place a high premium on the roles of quality and distinction in their business processes.

“This module raises the bar for your team and introduces permanent traits of greatness that produce mind-blowing results of unmatched standards,” stated the organizers.

The Business Strategy Forum is an initiative of Role Model Africa. Over the years, the organization has built an admirable track record of gathering a critical mass of business leaders and entrepreneurs through various platforms for personal and organizational growth.