#OutstandingBrands2021: Dredge Masters – trust us when it comes to dredging


Dredge Masters Limited (DML Ghana), a subsidiary of the JOSPONG Group of Companies is a wholly owned Ghanaian company and a leading provider of cutting-edge modern technological dredging, marine construction and consultancy services in Ghana.

Established in the year 2015, our mission is to provide a comprehensive integrated dredging and related services to enhance environmental protection, inland dredging, marine resources and conserve life, whereas the vision is to become the leading provider of dredging and marine related services in Africa through sustainable, environmentally friendly and effective standards.

DML has a dedicated team of experienced Dredging Professionals, Project Managers, Marine and Hydro Engineers amongst others led by a dynamic management with wide exposure and experience.

DML team of experts, along with the client designs a project such that not only does it meet technical parameters and time schedule of the project, but also ensures that it is aligned with our philosophy of value and long term sustainability. The equipment resources include state of the art amphibious dredgers, cutter suction dredgers, backhoe dredgers, barges and a fleet of supporting earthmoving and specialized equipment amongst others.

Notable projects that have been completed under the Government, Private and Oil & Gas industries include, Dredging of Lagoons and Storm Water drains, Shore Pull and Post Trenching of an Offshore gas pipeline, Deepening of waterway luxury cruise boats, dredging of river channel for the production of fresh water, rehabilitation of oxidation treatment ponds, dredging of river for flood control, dam dredging, construction of sea defense and in partnership with our international partners, carried out an emergency maintenance dredging of a commercial harbor.

We continue to grow and improve on our expertise through partnership and training to keep with the technological trends in the execution of projects as required.

Our services which are in 2 categories include;

Pre-Project Activities and Project Management Consultancy

This comprises of Project feasibility, Project Design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Costing and Budgeting, Project Management Consultancy, Bathymetric/Topographic and Photogrammetric Survey, Quantity and Contract management etc.

Dredging and Marine Construction Services

This comprises of Flood Control and Urban Drainage, Inland Dredging, Dams Construction and Reservoir Dredging, Nearshore Dredging, Capital and Maintenance Dredging, Reclamation, Coastal Defenses, Environmental Dredging etc.

DML leverages the latest 3D modeling technology available to ensure that our technical dredging efforts are streamlined from concept through production and final execution. We utilize the best industry techniques to eliminate the potential for design failures and expedite our time to clients. DML engineering staff maximise from both an associated history of experience and diverse background of works to bring sophisticated hands-on technical knowledge in the line of work. These ensure speedy execution of projects in all operational areas.

Lake Dredging

In both natural and man-made lakes, eroding sediment can gradually build up and cause both depth and water quality issues. This buildup can affect recreational activities as well as aquatic life. Industrial and domestic waste runoff can further contaminate the water.
Modern dredges have been used to maintain lake depths and for contaminated material cleanup. DML has needed expertise in this field

Land Reclamation

Land reclamation is an integrated approach to converting disturbed land to its original state (ecological restorations) and find alternative use for such areas. Our escalating human population parallels a rapidly degrading arable land base caused by urban sprawl, soil erosion, resource extraction and industrial development. Thus, one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century is to reclaim disturbed lands around the world to secure the livelihood of future generations. DML helps to meet this challenge and provide the best services there are

Marine Dredging

Our dredging fleet consists of grab / backhoe dredgers ranging from 4 to 25 cubic meters in capacity and are equipped with special rock breakers which enables us to chisel and dredge through hard material. With our strength of well trained and highly experienced group of Marine and civil engineers, we are able to provide and support the marine industry with our expertise in Dredging and Marine Civil engineering work.

Ports and Waterways

Countries continue to expand their ports. They need to because the volume of trade is growing and because ships are getting bigger. Longer quay walls and wider, deeper access channels are therefore crucial. Sometimes an entirely new port is needed and we have the expertise to deal with them

Artificial Islands

Attractive coastal areas offer an ever-greater variety of holiday options. Such areas are investing in beach and shoreline expansion, sites for new cruise ship terminals, and modern airports. Like the Palm Island and The World in Dubai; both are examples of forward thinking combined with ingenious execution methods.

Coastal Defences

Wind and water are a constant threat to coastal areas and can damage their natural defences. With our headquarters in a country that is largely below sea level, we know all about this. Our operations are meant to defend the coast against erosion, and we call on nature itself to assist us. We know how to use sand as a motor for coastal defence.

Dike Construction

Delta regions are at risk being flooded, not only by the sea but also by rivers. Dikes and embankments were invented to protect the land against the water. That is why we have ample experience in constructing and maintaining dikes, breakwaters, quay walls and various types of shore and bank protection.

Underwater Drilling & Blasting

In cases where the sea bottom is exceptionally hard, we offer the option of fragmenting underwater rock layers with explosives. This method is known as drilling and blasting. We remove hard rock for infrastructure projects, for example when dredging port access channels, digging trenches for pipelines and cables, or constructing quays.

Dredge Masters Limited (DML) is committed to provide international quality at optimum cost.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy of Dredge Masters

The Managing Director, the Deputy Managing Director and all Departmental Managers acknowledge the high importance of safety in our operations and are highly committed to providing HSE standards that is par excellent to ensure a hazard free work environment for its employees and the public at large.

By implementing this policy through HSE management systems, we shall plan improvements in health, safety and environmental management by:

  • Complying with the letter of PART XV of Ghana Labour Law, Act 651 of 2003, Approved Codes of Practices, and HSE standards set by Government of Ghana and internationally recognized HSE standards applicable to our industry.
  • Ensuring the risks to the health and safety of employees, contractors and visitors are systematically managed to as low as is reasonably practicable
  • Setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable and Time-bound (SMART) objectives/targets to improve HSE management and performance in keeping with stakeholder expectations.
  • Taking due account of HSE risks and benefits in decision-making and as a component part of business strategy.
  • Actively supporting city authorities in delivering on the environmental strategies of improving marine water quality.
  • Removing contaminated sediments from waterways/drains, with the intention of improving water quality and restoring the health of aquatic ecosystems.

Implement and operate effective risk control systems by:

  • Ensuring employees have the competence and resources to discharge their responsibilities for health, safety and environmental matters and encouraging a positive safety culture.
  • Provide and improve employee’s access to health and wellbeing services.
  • Securing the commitment and participation of our employees in improving HSE management through effective communication and consultative mechanisms.
  • Ensuring collaboration with all stakeholders to support effective risk controls and implementation of this policy

Monitor HSE performance, taking corrective action where required by:

  • Monitoring HSE management system indicators to improve performance
  • Ensuring that root causes are identified in the investigation of incidents/accidents.
  • Effective collaboration with auditing agencies- internal/external to provide assurance and ensure appropriate corrective action where required.

Undertake regular management reviews:

  • Regularly review the suitability and effectiveness of HSE management including this policy and undertake improvement action where appropriate.