Savings and Loans Company, Best Point and an education promotion organization, LearnRite, have partnered to offer parents the opportunity to acquire Senior High School (SHS) learning materials for students at flexible terms. In collaboration with its astute partners – Approachers Series, Concise Mathematics, KOV’s Series, Atta Kay among others, LearnRite has assembled a package of text books, videos and tablets which contain educational materials, especially in the sciences to complement teaching and learning of SHS subjects.
As a means to make the materials easily accessible to parents, Best Point Savings and Loans and LearnRite have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to offer parents a flexible payment plan once the parent signs up. Already, there is an MOU with Ghana Post to distribute the materials to every subscriber.
The move is to offer equal educational opportunities to all SHS students nationwide. It aims to help the student fully understand and retain the theories they are taught; consultants, including the writers of the books have been engaged to provide practical lectures on the subjects which have been captured on video to support the learning process.
Delivering the opening remarks, the Managing Director of Best Point Saving and Loans, Philip Odei Asare expressed profound excitement for the partnership. He was hopeful that the move will eliminate all financial challenges which may impede the country’s ability to provide equal learning opportunities for all students.
“This move is one that would lead to the discovery of more science geniuses. This provides the opportunity for students to learn and understand everything that they are taught. Supporting education is one of the important pillars of Best Point and it was not a difficult decision to come up with this partnership. We are ready to support all parents; we are ready to support them to give their children the best opportunity to make it in life and give the nation more scientists,” Mr. Odei Asare said.
The Board Chairman for LearnRite, Prof. Agyeman Badu Akosa in an interview with the media said that; “It has been proven globally that a nation that does well in the sciences accelerates its growth, that is why we have put together the best brains we have in the country when it comes to the sciences and we are offering it to parents. Starting from 900 cedis one can get a package for a whole year. Seeing that funding is challenge we have come up with this partnership so you can spread the payment over a period and get the materials for your child”
The Board Chairman of Best Point Savings and Loans, Isaac Emmil Osei Bonsu on his part was elated about the partnership and said it is a great compliment of the government’s free SHS agenda which seeks to expand the educational frontiers of the country. “Education for all has always been one of the primary goals for any government. Accordingly, significant investments have been made in achieving this aim; as we all know one of the most significant achievements that has been made is the provision of the free SHS.
We have about 13.6 million children pursuing various forms of education, it is on the strength of these numbers that Best Point is partnering with LearnRite to ensure that we equip our children in SHS. This means that we should give them the best in educational materials and when I see the panel of consultants and expects behind LearnRite including Emeritus Prof Addai Mensah and Prof. Badu Akosa, my heart is warm that we have a good partner that would help in providing equal educational opportunity to all.”
LearnRite is working to add English to its educational packages; a consultant with the University of Ghana English Department, Emma Kosuoba Pedavoah told the media that efforts are underway to complete a package for form 1 SHS students; “We hope to role this out in the shortest possible time. After that, we will work to get a full complement for all the forms (1,2 and 3). The concept is brilliant and this will go a long way to bridge the gap between the graded school as everyone will have the opportunity to have the same learning materials,” she said.
A mathematics consultant, Dr. Dominic Otto said even though the LeanRite management have good ideas funds were a major hindrance and the partnership with Best Point is a good way forward. “I’m hoping that every SHS student gets this material. Apart from SHS being free, accessibility to good learning materials was another issue and the efforts of LeanRite and Best Point will go a long way to ensure every student gets access to the material to better their learning skills,” he said.