Operators in agribusinesses receive training to boost access to new markets


Lab Innova for Africa, a technical-managerial training project set up by the Italian Trade Agency, has launched a virtual training programme with support from the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) for Ghanaian Agro-based businesses.

The training programme is aimed at increasing the technical and managerial skills of local agri-food companies to provide them with the skills required to access European Union markets and facilitate partnerships with Italian companies. It is designed to assist companies with a potential for the international market, as well as companies which already sell internationally but intend to expand their reach.

The first edition of the two-week course kicked-off on June 8th 2020, and will focus on companies that produce fruit and vegetables – specifically mango and pineapples.

Speaking at the virtual training launch, the CEO of GEPA, Dr Afua Asabea Asare, said she was excited about the collaboration offered by Lab Innova and the Italian Trade Agency. “GEPA’s mandate aligns with developing and promoting non-traditional exports, and the initiative advances President Nana Akufo-Addo’s industrialisation agenda. It also serves the dual purpose of building the capacities of those Ghanaian companies by tapping into best practice examples from the Italian Trade Agency,” she said.

The Association of Ghanaian Industries (AGI), also a collaborative partner on this project, joined the virtual launch and encouraged participants to make the best of this opportunity offered by the best practice case studies and sessions being offered.

20 participants from the agribusiness sector went through a 2-tier scrutiny including one-on-one virtual interview sessions to qualify for the training sessions. Modules for the webinars will have practical sessions on how to approach and introduce one’s business to prospective clients, and how to relate and have a meaningful dialogue with counterparts.

Lab Innova for Africa is an educational training programme for the agri-food sector in Africa, promoted by the Italian Trade Agency in close cooperation with other Italian partners. Other African countries to have benefitted from the Lab Innova for Africa Project include Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda.