What happens when C-Suites and CHROs lack Emotional Intelligence


Ever since Edward.L. Thorndike profess the idea of social intelligence in the 1920s which sciences equated it into emotional Intelligence, it has become a force to reckon with. It is a proven fact that unlike in the past where IQ was the only measure of intelligence and success, studies have support the insight that IQ+EQ(EI) provides an effective success rate and sustenance over a long period of time.

The Daniel Goleman’s model (1998)zooms down on EI as multiple competencies and skills that fuels effective leadership performance and productivity.

Emotional Intelligence is basically being aware of ones emotions and that of others, with the knowledge of how it positively or negatively affects productivity and performance. It involves Self-awareness, Self- regulation, Social skills, Empathy and Motivation.

These goes to buttress the notion that we are social beings and must deploy a lot of skills that guides our working and living together.

According to the world economic forum research on future of jobs 2016, Emotional Intelligence forms part of the 10 top-most skills needed for the artificial/advance intelligence (Ai) era. Many C-Suites of  fortune 500 have all attested to how deploying high sense of emotional Intelligence facilitated their success rate and promoted their companies which in some cases aided them to avoid heavy law suites and loses just like the case between Uber and Google.

It is then imperative that C-Suites (Chief Executive Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Marketing Officers and Chief Financial Officers) and CHROs (Chief Human Resource Officers) really pay much attention to their emotional intelligence level.

But the lack or absence of it can create the following for a leader or company.

  1. Prejudices and Assumptions: Because the mind is already in a conclusion state about many issues it breeds deadlocks even before dialogue/s begins. Such situation creates unresolved case or negotiations. It bars one from thoroughly going about situations without taking all possible angles into perspective.


  1. Lack of focus: When negative emotions sets in and not managed it derails clarity of purpose and focus. It causes blame game and outright condemnation tendencies. Lack of focus always fuel personalization of issues than the substance which will deny solution finding
  2. Prone to negative thoughts: This moments creates a lot of suspicions without empirical evidence or data to support it. It also a moment that a lot of misplacement of anger is done and a period where one lives in the denial that everyone else is bad except me. This goes a long way to breed mistrust and stagnation of progress.
  3. Intolerance and perfectionism: When there is a surge in emotions, it clouds ones sense of tolerance which becomes a blockade for team members to exercise divergent thinking. It makes team members to think that after all my input won’t matter. It also creates a system where none is appreciated for anything or breakthrough and allows perfectionism to set in, which kills the act of taking initiative.
  4. Impedes Cultural Diversity: The world is increasing becoming smaller in interpersonal relations. To promote cross-cultural ethics and cultural diversity a lot of emotional intelligence is needed. When EI is absent a lot of misconception, misunderstanding and miscommunication take place which goes a long way to create employee and customer dissatisfaction.
  5. Absenteeism and Low productivity: Where there is the lack of motivation and enthusiasm employees don’t give of their best. If it is a service industry for example, there will be nothing to empower and excite employees to want to come to work and render quality service. On the flip side they can come to work to make up for punctuality but always absent minded to even concentrate for peak performance and productivity.
  6. High Health risk: When all the above 5 is present in any entity due to the lack of the exercise of emotional intelligence a lot of health risk factors are bound to occur.

In such environment there is higher rate of stress, fatigue, loss of weight, loss of appetite and alcoholism which culminates into depression, anxiety disorder and serve as triggers of bipolar disorder.


Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah

Transformational Coach| Certified Professional Trainer

Lead facilitator for Zoweh Global Consult


Twitter: @Scofray

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Email: scofray@gmail
