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Tag: July 1 marks poultry day

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GUBA Enterprise tours Caribbean region to explore opportunities

GUBA Enterprise has announced the successful completion of the GUBA Ghana Business Trade Tour of the Caribbean. The tour is a pioneering mission aimed...

Telecel employee volunteers plant over 5000 trees in massive reforestation effort

Over 60 employee volunteers from telecommunications giant Telecel Ghana, in partnership with Forestry Commission, joined forces with young students from Luom Basic Schools and...

Nigeria finally joins Scripps National Spelling Bee, USA party

Nigeria is stepping up to the plate in 2025, joining Ghana as the only African nations competing in the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee,...

Charterhouse Creative Africa Foundation to empower creatives

By Emmanuel AKOMEA Chaterhouse, organisers of the annual Telecel Ghana Music Awards, in a bid to empower and nurture creatives while fostering an inclusive creative...
IMF Lending to African Economies: conditionality is still a key to the process

IMF Greenlights $360 Million Disbursement to Ghana Following Successful ECF Review

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed today the second review of Ghana’s US$3 billion, 36-month Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Arrangement, which was approved by the Board in May 2023. Completion...