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SEO & Data Analytics with Edward Worlanyo BANKAS: The impact of data on e-commerce...

In the digital age, data has become the new currency, and its strategic utilization can propel businesses to unprecedented heights of success. Ghana's burgeoning...

Optimizing business operations through AI

By Dennis AKWABOAH In the modern business landscape, the relentless pursuit of profitability and operational excellence has driven organizations worldwide to explore transformative technologies. Among...

Systems thinking in developing corporate strategy for organisations

By Godwin GADUGA “Let's face it, the universe is messy. It is non-linear, turbulent, and chaotic. It is dynamic. It spends its time in transient...

How good leadership is transforming the fortunes of rural banks

By Joseph AKOSSEY & Seth KRAMPAH Good leadership is one of the key success factors of organizations and by extension banks. The success and failure...

Creating a safe and supported environment for healthcare workers

By Senya Afi GHAMLI In the heartbeat of healthcare lies the pulse of our health workers—the unsung heroes who dedicate themselves to our well-being...

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