Economic development relies on the creation of more productive jobs for an ever-rising share of the workforce. Traditionally, it was industrialization that enabled poor countries to embark on this transformation. Factory work may not have been glorious, but it enabled farmers to become blue-collar workers, transforming the economy and...
Operations undertaken by the Ethiopian federal government have freed the Tigrayan people from decades of misrule by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). This has ignited new hopes, but also anxieties, about Ethiopia’s future and its role in the Horn of Africa and beyond. The hopes stem from the removal...
Moral values An educated person has a huge moral responsibility to be honest and truthful to the public whose resources were used for their education. This is especially relevant in cases where the mass of the people believes and act on one’s assertions, without any further probing of the veracity...
Many factors go into assessing how much debt an economy can safely carry Countries incur debt by borrowing. Borrowing can enable countries to finance important development programs and projects—but, taken too far, the burden of debt repayment can overwhelm a country’s finances, at worst leading to default. Elevated debt in low-income...
The year of Excellence mantra by the International Central Gospel Church last year for a very important reason for instance seeks to define the directional behavior of its members to align with its values and Strategic principles (vision) of influencing society through Christ with clear focus on admonishing its...
A self-fulfilling prophecy. That is what it is popularly referred to. It is simply defined as “a prediction that causes itself to come true.” There are generally two kinds of self-fulfilling prophecies. There are the self-imposed prophecies which, as the name denotes, we impose on ourselves. We are about...
Why the child? Parents are very right to worry about their children’s safety and health as school reopens due to the spike in coronavirus recently. I get a lot of questions from parents like; how can I boost the immune system of my child? What are the right vitamin that...
 Preamble: Investment Risk is the chance of losing some or all of your invested money due to the price volatility of your investment. In the investment universe, there is an interesting relationship between risk and return, and a clear understanding of this will help an investor make an informed investment...
Meet Abdullah Hamza, the young social entrepreneur, doing amazing work in the Northern Region of Ghana. Hamza has a business model he calls ‘greening commodities’, which is contributing to the fight against climate change. “Young people like me who read agriculture related courses in schools do not necessarily need to...
When did spelling bees start?  Why is it spelling ‘bee’? Why did you decide to run a national spelling bee?  Why do all Spellers ask, “May I have the origin of the word?” These are questions I get whenever I tell tweenagers what I do.  Everyone seems intrigued with this...