Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Martin Luther King, Jr. Dear Readers, this article will be part of the concluding articles on the relevance of history in managing risks in financial institutions. You will realize that many of the causes of global bank...
“A stitch in time saves nine”… An American proverb (This is a continuation of a series first published in July and August 2014) Hello my Readers, I hope you had a good week and were not too disturbed about the history and list of bank runs experienced over the centuries. If...
"Remember that failure is an event, not a person." - Zig Ziglar (This is a continuation of a series first published in July and August 2014) The MICR cheque book In 1959 a standard for machine-readable characters (MICR) was agreed and patented in the U.S. for use with cheques. This opened the...
This week, G7 leaders will convene to discuss Afghanistan. It’s crucial that the G7 leaders think clearly about the important objectives for Afghanistan in order to avoid adding yet another cycle of misery, bloodshed, and mass refugee flows.   Above all, they should use the meeting merely to coordinate policies...
 “With the rapid pace of technological development, most employees have realized that they will need to become lifelong learners to remain competitive in today’s workplace. With the continuous emergence of new technologies and new business practices, the skills that were required to succeed yesterday are not the same as...
“The corporate training industry is constantly evolving to accommodate trainer needs and technology advancements. Throughout history, it has proven its importance time and time again.” We are in interesting times. Although I have been conducting virtual training and in-person training sessions separately, I recently had to conduct a combination of both,...
“Energy Efficiency” is a term often used in many discussions of climate change or global warming and its mitigation. The term has become an important part of policy agenda often pursued as part of the solution to climate calamity. It is important because it is linked to reducing carbon...
“Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness”. — James Thurber Last week, we examined various issues that make banks vulnerable to the outside world through various lapses. This is a continuation of various reminders: Cash limits Gone are the days when branch managers preferred...
"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars." –Les Brown Yaw and I were famished after a long day's activity. We had closed from Church. I visited his church, not as a guest minister and they were not running a ‘special service’. I was delighted...
Adam Smith, the founder of modern economics, argued that the pursuit of private interests – profits – will invariably promote the common good. That may be true in some situations, but obviously not always. Just as banks’ pursuit of profit led to the 2008 financial crisis, it was Purdue...