Building a brand doesn’t happen overnight. Many successful brands have built their brands through hard work, commitment, and value creation. The story of one of Ghana’s fashion sensation, Yartel is no different. Ezekiel Yartel began his fashion career about six years ago by sewing for friends and family from home....
When we were free, my life as a writer was not in the least smooth. I have used this column to share what my challenges have been and the interventions I have put in place to deal with those challenges. Since the start of this column three-plus years ago,...
In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, one thing has become clear – the need to prioritise water provision, particularly to rural communities, where populations are most vulnerable due few water facilities and unsafe water. Unless attended to, this will make the risk of spread in rural areas much...
On Monday, the B&FT published a story that showed that the second-largest sea port in the country, Takoradi Port, since April 1 has been struggling to electronically clear goods coming through due to technical challenges facing the UNIPASS/Integrated Customs Management Systems (ICUMS). Sources at the port say that valuation is...
COVID 19 has brought to limelight two significant things in the management of our economy. The first is the sudden realization that our health delivery system is not as weak as we thought; judging from the management of COVID 19 this far. The second is the competent way the...
Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.  It has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), with a call on all governments to tackle it with utmost seriousness. Governments across the world have taken and continue to take various public...
Declining coronavirus infection rates and plans to begin easing lockdown measures in some parts of the developed world have provided a ray of hope after weeks of unrelenting gloom. But, for many developing countries, the crisis may barely have begun, and the human toll of a major COVID-19 outbreak...
The Covid-19 pandemic has really exposed loopholes that exists in various sectors of life and the insurance industry together with their stakeholders, have not been left out of the show. I have heard and read about failed attempts by various companies and businesses who have taken strides in making...
A  vegetable farmer sits on his land. Vrinda Khushu/Wikimedia Commons The Green Revolution – the introduction of new higher yielding seed varieties, increased use of fertiliser, irrigation and other mechanisation introduced since the 1960s – brought about a great increase in crop yields in some countries in the Global...
Media’s ire is focused on the slap meted out by NPP party faithful Hajia Fati to Adom FM journalist Sakyiwaa Ahwenepa  as she was reporting at NPP party headquarters. Hajia Fati would then go on air; admit she had slapped the journalist, claim she had mistaken her for an onion...