It has been over a decade since the idea of having a common currency for the countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was first proposed. The idea was that such a currency would have the following advantages: the benefits of economies of scale, free movement...
What actions can African countries, healthcare providers and healthcare organisations take to improve the provision of health services to the continent's 1.4 billion citizens? Africa faces the dual challenge of poor healthcare systems and a high burden of diseases, especially among poorer communities. According to a McKinsey report, the continent...
Legislatures have been recognised as the sanctum sanctorum of the democratic edifice, in view of the fact that Legislatures occupy a very special place within the governance system of a country. Our parliament reflects the above attributes. As observed by Alban Sumana Bagbin, the Speaker of the 8th Parliament shared...
He For She. Two million Ghanaian boys and men mobilized to pledge support in the fight for gender equality. That’s this campaign’s aim. It was launched on the 2nd day of a High Level Africa Roundtable on Mobilizing Support and Accelerating Implementation of the SDGs. It comes in the week...
Introduction to Correspondent Banking Correspondent banking may sound like a term straight out of a financier’s dictionary, but its implications ripple through the entire economy, touching the lives of both businesses and individuals. Essentially, it’s the process by which banks provide services to each other, including cross-border transactions and large-scale...
African supply chains often export natural resources and overly rely on imported goods and services. The mindset behind the dominance of non-value adding export activities in Africa's supply chains dates back to the days of colonialism, when the continent was largely exploited for its natural resources such as gold,...
Leasing companies and landlords – most especially, often get jittery when a company is placed in administration. Unlike the creditors who are involved in the administration process, third-party service providers especially those providing leasing and rental of properties, and equipment may not often not aware of the pendency of...
By Benjamin Yaw MANU Business leaders must navigate market uncertainties with agility and foresight in today's rapidly changing business landscape. To effectively handle these challenges, building transformation capability within organizations is not just an option; it has become a necessity. In this opinion piece, we will explore the concept of...
– Emerging support for optimal reserve ratio (gold reserve / foreign reserve) By Kofi ARKAAH In 2017, I called for the Bank of Ghana (“BoG”) to grow its Gold Reserve as a percentage of its Foreign Reserve from 7.7%, to 30% (+/- 3%) at that time, in tandem with its inflation...
Did you know that more than 20 percent of the workforce could work remotely three to five days a week as effectively as they could if working from an office? Thanks to the pandemic, hybrid work models have emerged as the new norm for many organisations. Hybrid work allows employees...