The current set of circumstances create an ecosystem that happens to be the perfect condition for some enterprises to thrive and thrive really well. But that’s like discussing all the benefits of fire while your house is burning to ashes. It wouldn’t be the best time, would it? Nonetheless,...
  “Ignoring technological change in a financial system based upon technology is like a mouse starving to death because someone moved their cheese” – Chris Skinner  Digital banking and most often, mobile banking has created huge opportunities in terms of social inclusion and accessibility. This is furthermore important now, when the world...
  In his lifetime, Nana Yaw Amponsah was famous for his skills in hunting big game such as forest elephants, buffaloes and leopards. He was also celebrated beyond his village of Krabonsu near Kintampo in Ghana’s Bono East Region, for his prowess in using concoctions of herbs and bones of...
…what they can do to prepare for COVID-19 recovery( 3)   Some few weeks ago, I wrote on how COVID-19 has revealed the need to develop our domestic tourism and promote our intra African tourism. It is becoming clear that our over dependency on international tourism, most especially the West, should...
 “Papa! Tell us about 2020”. With eagerness and expectation, my grandchild, Nii looked up, expecting some kind of profound answer. I smiled, savouring the moment, readjusted myself in my seat, my disposition- that of a warrior about to recount a famous legend, I looked the 11 year old boy...
2020, a year many entrepreneurs won’t forget on a fly. The struggles and losses cut across with no regard for the small, medium, or big brands. The global crisis is real – forcing business owners to rise to the challenge. The daily pursuance of business success is an endeavor...
Markets in Africa’s cities are central to the food chain. But many had to close because of COVID-19 measures. In countries across Africa, the public health restrictions imposed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown many people out of work. Cities face the risk of widespread hunger, with the...
Last week I commenced a series entitled “without decisive action Ghana will be sleepwalking into a world that widens existing inequalities and uncertainties - which was addressing amongst other things the ten recommendations put forward by the ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of Work.  According to the report,...
"Challenges are what makes life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" -- Joshua J. Marine In this era of pandemics, all banks are reminding their customers to go digital. This is a very good advice to give, but how is this being implemented? Let us look at some feedback...
The world’s economy is predicted to suffer a significant decline because of COVID-19. Some hard-hit economies will experience a negative growth rate. We are told Ghana’s growth in GDP, which was projected at 6.8 percent, could fall to 1.5 percent. One may ask if we should be concerned with...