Credit is essential for the business operations of corporate entities and it is the expectation of creditors that debtor companies will repay their debts as they fall due. Creditors encompass a wide range of corporate and natural persons such as banks, saving and loans companies, corporate investors, micro finance...
“The elephant’s tusks come from its stomach.” – African proverb The history of our humanity is bloodied with wickedness, often done in the name of good. The deceptions reach all the way back to long before we even started recording history. And it has happened and continues to happen in...
Developing countries are increasingly worried that the United States will turn its back on the multilateral trade regime. Amid rising geopolitical tensions, policymakers in lower- and middle-income countries fear that a breakdown of that regime could make them hostages to great-power politics, thus undermining their economic prospects. Their concerns are...
Energy is widely regarded as a major determinant of economic prosperity of any State. It is accepted as a crucial ingredient that propels any economic activity, and indeed the pillar of wealth creation. Especially in the developing world, the provision of a greater access to energy has been suggested...
There are varied aspects of leadership that amalgamate to make an effective leader. In previous writings, we have discussed a few. Today, we tackle another skill that is not only very essential but delicate in leadership. Currently all around the world, many leaders are having to exhibit this skill...
 Three weeks ago, Agrihouse Foundation launched its third edition of the Ghana Chicken Festival (National Poultry Day). Since then, there has been ongoing discussions, deliberations and debates about disparities in attention and investment between the sectors. Livestock industry experts and stakeholders are advocating a more balanced approach, recognising the importance...
I recently watched the 2020 Netflix-produced documentary on Michelle Obama’s book tour following the release of her book in 2018. Becoming (the documentary) is basically an intimate look at the life of the former first lady of the United States, her hopes and connection with others as she tours...
Oh no! They broke into my sacred grove They stole my precious stones My diamonds My gold Oh no! I did all I could   I buried my precious stones in the heart of the earth Deep in the boughs of the dusty earth They  searched out Deep They found out And now I weep   How they found out I do not know I did...
Global food prices rose to a seven-year high in January The FAO anticipates an imminent drop in cereal stocks Many emerging markets are facing mounting food insecurity Increased regional integration and tech developments offer lasting solutions An increase in food prices following the coronavirus pandemic has intensified concerns related to global...
– As told by Equilibrium Partners The Genesis is a climate friendly luxury 30-unit apartment complex located in North Ridge, a prime area in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The location holds a significant piece of Ghanaian history. It is where the late Theodosia Okoh, who designed the Ghana...