Last Friday, 6 October 2023 the third edition of the now indelible CX conference took place successfully at the Labadi Beach Hotel. Again, as always, there was a great array of industry players in attendance; professionals actively engaged in Customer Experience, advocates, proponents, and key drivers of the Customer...
“It's entirely unacceptable for digital banking to displace the customer/financial institution relationship… The goal is building customer loyalty and extending the trusted relationship from the physical realm of brick and mortar to the digital realm.” ….. Mark Kilpatrick.   I dedicate this article to all banks, finTechs and telcos who are making...
I remember back in my Senior High School days, one of the most embarrassing ways for your crush to see you is having your hair trimmed by your teacher in the funniest way ever. Sometimes the teacher targets the front of your grown hair, middle or the back. Mind...
By Kodzo Foli Hello, my name is Dede Nyansapo. I am an entrepreneur who also participates in Accra’s burgeoning gig economy as a driver. My love for meeting fascinating people and my curiosity about how they think usually place me in the midst of some very entertaining conversations. Invariably, these...
The recent surge in pro-Khalistan sentiments in countries like Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia has not only taken the Indian government by surprise but has also revealed the intricacies of global politics. While these nations shelter behind the guise of ‘democratic processes’, the crux of the matter...
“To me, character in a person is judged by the decisions that are made under pressure.” Bryan Cranston Dear readers, last week I examined some aspects of pressure being given to various staff who handle loans. Pressure can come from both internal and external sources. In this final edition of...
As part of efforts to establish a universal, equitable and sustainable pensions scheme for workers in Ghana, a nine-member Presidential Commission on Pensions was set up by His Excellency Mr. John Agyekum Kufour in 2004 and tasked to examine existing pension schemes in Ghana and in countries of comparable...
Welcome! In this week's piece, I'll show you how to beat stage fright and I'll give you five tips you need to remember. If you can spell the word S-T-A-G-E you'll remember those five steps. But before I get there, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I've...
A Hell of a Detour Even if Hitler someway, somehow made it to hell, I very much doubt that his stay there was long. Because if God Himself could go so far as to describe Himself as a “jealous God”… God, being the epitome of all that is good, if...
In my opinion, the benefits of blockchain are being paraded as akin to that of cryptocurrencies and while to a large extent that is accurate, from the few conversations I have had over the past weeks, there needs to be an urgent understanding of each of them, and both....